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How to get over feeling unattractive

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Has anyone felt unattractive and dealt with it and gotten over it?


If so, how did you do this?


I've never been told i'm ugly or unattractive. I've never been put down about it, however girls never approach me in clubs/bars and I never get comments from girls that I'm cute or anything like that.


I just cruise through life with no compliments or criticisms about my appearance. This combined with the fact no one ever shows any interest in me, makes me think I'm ugly.


I personally hate the way I look. And this gets me down, and is more than likely the reason I'm always so depressed.


I wish someone would say something good about me. Just a little comment like "I think your cute" would blow me away and make me so happy.


So how do you get out of this spiral? Can anyone give me some advice?

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I can't say "you're cute" because I do not know you. Being attractive is all in your mind. I have a friend who is extremely pimply and fat, but yet he still gets more girls then I do (good looking ones at that! it even makes me jealous at times). It's all about the way you view yourself. Love yourself and you will be loved. I would say that I am an attractive guy, but I don't get girls coming up to me saying I'm cute or hot... mainly because I don't make my presense noticed... being very shy has it's downsides. I have to learn to love the way that I am and my day will come... yours too my friend.

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No no no gravity. It doesn't work that way. Girls are sheep or they are happily married.


The girls who don't date you don't date you because no other girls are dating you. Not because of your apearance.


If a girl has to choose between you, and a guy with a dozen girlfriends already, who will use her and dump her, because he has so many spares which guy do you think she will choose.


You guessed it. She will choose the guy with a dozen girlfriends because, despite the risk of being dumped, she will figure that this guy has something going for him, even if she can't see what it is, or else he wouldn't have so many girlfriends already.


I knew one savvy young guy who used to actually pander to this atitude by taking his two kid sisters to any clubs if he had been unable to score a date. And it worked. The girls in the club would see him arrive with a girl on each arem and each and every one of them would sharpen the claws to steal him away from his girlfriends/sisters.

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I think you are being a little extreme about this.

No one has ever told you that you are unattractive - yet you think you are.

Just because no one has ever said you are cute; means nothing.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there are females out there who would find you attractive.

But first of all, learn to like yourself.

You are all you have. So get comfortable in your skin.

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What some people above have alluded to is accurate: confidence is key. So too is having your own unique sense of style and character because THAT is just as attractive as any physical feature. Every time you take a look at yourself in the mirror just tell yourself that you're awsome, you're beautiful and today's gonna rock. Once you get truly comfortable enough with yourself and start expressing that, women will notice it. This doesn't mean that those specific women will fall into your lap and become your girlfriends, but women have friends and women talk. If you put the three together, you have a pretty good thing going for you....and please don't take your younnger sisters to clubs. Women may be jealous in certain atmospheres but there's nothing wrong with a single guy.

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