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Feeling very conflicted about my life...

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Lately, I've been confused about what I should be doing with my life. Now that I have graduated high school this year, I've been spending alot of time at home.I haven't enrolled into a college yet & I still don't know what college is best for me.To make things even more complicated, I haven't a clue what I want to study in.It frustrates me for the longest because everyone is so sure of what they want to be & what talents they have. I really don't have any. Back in school, I wasn't really involved in extra curricular activities. I didn't really have alot of friends, I wasn't the most popular or the most attractive. I was usually the shy quiet kid who would sit in the back of the classroom.I wasn't good in school, that's because me being dumb, I didn't put forth the effort & took it seriously. I barely made it out of high school. My gpa is really bad,I don't even want to say what it is.


I've been writing alot, basically a journal. I think I would be good at studying something in writing. I've always like writing stories & comic books when I was younger but how can I be for sure if this is going to get me anywhere?Life has been very dull & boring lately. I spend most of the time still at my parents house trying to get myself together.I'm single & hating it & I really hate being alone.Jobs are scarce here & it's really hard for me to find one. I've been going everywhere for months. At least with a job, it would keep me occupied. It just seems everything is at a standstill in my life...

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Hey. How are you? I mean, besides the not being sure of your direction and all.


I can relate. I was always the shy and guiet one. I didn't have many friends. My extracurricular was drama, thats it. I wasn't sure on what I wanted to do either. I had really good grades, got into college, but it was still hard because nothing really called to me. Finally settled on accounting but not even sure now if thats what I want to do for the rest of my life.


It's hard to make these kind of choices. There is so much to consider. I never understood people who picked something that was their lifes passion when they were like 5. How do they know? And what about the people who aren't sure?


Right now you must be feeling like everyone is moving forward and you are left behind. Don't be sad or afraid. Many people don't know what they want to do at your age either. I've had the statistic a lot that the average person changes their career like 7 times in their life. So most people aren't sure of themselves either, especially when they are your age.


The first thing is to improve your attitude about yourself. You are not dumb. You do have talents. Some people are not good with book smarts. They don't do well in school but they are successful because they have other skills do use. At the same time people who do great in school may not make it out in their field because they have the technical knowledge, but not the other kinds of traits they need to go along with it. Look at the president of the USA. He was a C student in college, yet he got to be president. If he can climb to that kind of level, anyone can.


I haven't looked into it much, but I hear that writers and comic book writers/artists do ok for themselves. Do more research into it, I'm sure there are places to go and things to do with such a field. Writing is also broad. Do you want to write your own novels? Comic books? Plays or films? Journalism? The important thing is that you choose something you really like doing. There are people who go where the money is but are unhappy. And there are people who don't end up with the big bucks or glamorous jobs, but they are happy because they love what they do.


Good luck.

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Wow! i completely understand. Well, not completely. I haven't graduated yet, and quite frankly, I'm not excited too. I'm not 100% sure what i want to do with my life, although i do have ideas and finding a job in this town is the hardest thing a person can do, much as which you described. What i was going to suggest is to find something that you like, something you enjoy. Right now, you described your life as boring and at a standstill. If you like writing, i think you should take a chance. You need to start going somewhere and seeing what's really out there. And if you find something off of writing that you enjoy and learned from school, you could go into that field. Life won't go anywhere unless you start walking there yourself. Good luck!

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This is so hard... I've been trying to think of something that motivates me & something I would be interested in but nothing has rung a bell to me. Last night, I tried writing a story like I used to do, but I seriously wasn't into it like I used to be & I stopped on the first page. I'm just feeling so blah & nonchalant about everything. Nothing excites me anymore & this is the problem..

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Listen up. You are responsible for your own destiny in life. You cannot wait around for your life to stop from standstill mode. You cannot wait around for some kind of 'sign' for what to do in life. Even if you believe in such things, you are responsible for a) finding them in the first place and b) interpreting them as you will. You are just simply going to have to make many choices in life yourself. Intellect, intuition, and even feelings are not good enough instruments for making such choices. To claim responsibility for your choices in life is to be important. To be important to yourself is to attract more people into your life. By attracting more people, it can assist you in your professional and personal aspects of life. Sitting around in standstill mode will lead to confusion and depression.

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Again, there is nothing wrong with this period of doubt you are going through. We all go through it. Honestly, this probably isn't something that is just going to go away over night. It is going to take time and a lot of hard work. You can't just allow yourself to wallow and feel sorry for yourself. But at the same time its too simple to say just go out and make it happen. You need to start small. Find a hobby you enjoy, and do it. Build that confidence up.


What was the story you were working on about? Perhaps you need a new topic? Why not try writing a story thats personal, writing about how you are feeling now? If you are writing about yourself, though masked in the form of the main character, it may help you get into it as you'll be expressing your feelings. Make the story about how he struggles to find his place, through depression, only to come back and become a successful writer. It could give you a start and push in the right direction, and be used as motivation in the future. The character did it, now he will too.

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you know, there are a lot of schools and or classes (as in creative writing)for writing? and maybe just art. if money is a problem, just take a few classes at a community college, if you have one close to you. and maybe you will do better in them than you think.I was a poor high school student as well and I placed in the fundamentals of writning class, you know the basics.. at first i was ashamed I mean that stuff I thought I shouldve learned when I was 15.. but you know what . college is easyer then high school for me. the teachers are more helpful I think. I am haveing a hard time paying my way, but there are options. you just have to find them. you have to fight to make it and keep on trying, who knows.. maybe some day you will be a great writer... you just have to give your self a chance at it..good luck

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