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oh no, I made a BIG, BIGG mistake!!!

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Dont feel stupid - emotions do that people, make them blind to rational choices. Trust me on that one >.>


Just say to him "Look, I was emotional, and deep down I know I really dont want to get back with you...contrary to what I said, I don't want to be with you anymore". Something along those lines - there is no reason you HAVE to go back with him just cause you said you would in a fit of emotion.


You deserve better, and I promise you'll find someone who can give it to you *Hugs*

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You need to concentrate on you, its not selfish to do that - you come first. And telling him you cant be with him and dont want to be with him is the first step to looking out for yourself. You CAN do it, and although it seems hard now, you'll feel much better later and you'll be thanking yourself down the track.

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Broken Doll,


these things happen all the time. Its not your fault he got depression and failed his exams. It was his choice to behave that way.

And you made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes. Just tell him that you are sorry that things went this way, you acted out of an emotional state and althought you may "love" him, you are not "in love" with him and you don't feel that a relationship with him is working and it is the best for the both of you.

Don't worry, he will get over it in time, and if he doesn't, its NOT your fault.

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Don't use that line "you love him but you are not in love with him" its such a cliché and it tends to confuse the hell out of people.


Just tell him you made a mistake and you're not interested. Also don't fuel his emotions anymore, you'll end up making it more difficult for the both of you.

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Broken, how do you know that he failed exams? How do you know he was diagnosed with depression? You mentioned yesterday that he told you he told his priest and his parents? Were you there when he told them? This guy has a history of controlling the situation with you. How do you know he isn't trying to control it again by telling you all of this just to get you back.


I know it is going to be difficult, but you have got to cut your ties with him. I know you don't want to hurt him, but maybe try looking at it like this: If you stay with him now just to save him from being hurt, think of how hurt he will be and how much harder it will be if you reach your end with him later.

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Hmmm.. I know we've been talking a fair bit lately, and I've said a few things to you about this guy, but if he forced himself on you, please try and get out of this one.


I know your thinking of doing this anyway, and I think it's definitely the right choice. There a plenty of great guys out there that would NEVER do that to you.


At the end of the day make the decision that feels right to you, but don't make the decision out of sympathy towards him. Do what is good for you in the long term.


But if I were you, I would try and cut ties as soon as possible. They quicker you do this, the easier it will be on both of you.


Good luck!

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