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"Better to have loved and lost......

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Don't know - this is the second major relationship that I have had break up and whilst the pain was almost overwhelming, it fades. So in both I had about 7 years of fantastic memories and great times - I am sure I won't have 7 years of regret over the relationship.

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..than never to have loved at all"


Just interested to know what you all think?


I'm not sure I agree any longer - the heartache I've had this year makes me think I'd rather remain single forever than risk going through that again.


I think it is true. I have learned a lot from every love lost, and it only deepened my capacity for love in many respects. I just posted something about this today in Finding Love & Soulmate actually. Of course if you believe that something will end before it even begins, you are also dooming it from the start - creating your own reality. Love is a risk. Life is a risk. But without some risk, there is no reward.


You have had a rough breakup, but time is an amazing thing, truly it is. It is the one constant, and it is a very powerful healer if you utilize it properly.


Now, if someone asks you if you believe in that saying early on in the relationship, from experience, I would say it is better to run away! #-oI learned it means because they plan on not staying around too long!

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I believe it has been beter to love than not love at all, now that you have expirenced what love is and who your ideal patner would be, you know what to look for.

Love is a risk, its a gamble, you dont know if you'l win at the end or lose, but wont the thought of 'what if' be haunting you if you didnt take a chance??


Just my two cents worth hehe.

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I'm not sure I agree any longer - the heartache I've had this year makes me think I'd rather remain single forever than risk going through that again.

I agree with you somewhat, but I'm glad I was able to experience so much with my ex in the last 3 years. We shared some awesome and unforgettable times, and I am glad I got to become so close and comfortable with someone. Yet at the same time, it hurts so bad to know she would give up everything. I have mixed feelings on the saying...


One of my closest friends has NEVER had a relationship with a girl. And by that I mean he has never claimed someone as his girlfriend. He is probably one of the most happy, carefree people I have ever met and I wish I could be like that.

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its a tough call.I look at it like this.I feel like i was given a lobster dinner and a bottle of the finest wine in the world.Only to be told after i finished eating that i will now only be able to eat canned tuna and water till the day i die.But i still can almost taste that lobster.

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Thanks for all the replies.


AndyStone - that's funny and HappyKat so was that.


I guess that knowing I have the capacity to love in the way I did has shown me something about myself. I just choose to do it with the wrong person. A friend once said to me that she doesn't think many people (even married or in relationships) get to love with that passion very often.


I look back and nope I guess I wouldn't swap the good times - I just wish he'd had some honour and decency in the end.


Thanks guys - it was good to hear your thoughts

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