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why cut?

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My brother checked himself into a mental hospital last night.He was drinking and cut his forarms up.I went to visit him in the hospital today.I was shocked to find out he cut himself like that.I know hes never done it before.(Hes 24 yrs old by the way)So i dont really understand what hes thinking and whats going on.can anyone please shed some light on this for me. thanks andy

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Usually when somebody is under high emotional stress or has a feeling of having no control they cut themselves. If they are under emotional pain they create a physical pain which takes the mind off whatever they are dealing with...

you really should talk to your brother about this.. because nobody can really know the very reason he cut.. it could be anything. Best of luck for him and you though

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Thanks for your insight folks.My brother has since quit drinking.Hes kinda shut himself out of the world.That doesnt really concern me though.When im stressed or feeling diffrent i kinda do the same.We havent talked about it yet.I can tell he doesnt wanna disscuss it so ill let it be.I guess if he wants to talk hell talk to me.Right?

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So I take it he attempted to commit suicide! I guess none of us can really speculate why he did it but obviously something that pained him so much that made him to make such decision. You are his brother, go talk to him but do not force him into it. Be more of a good friend, supportive, and let him come to you. He needs a companion the most rather than a big brother at this point. Hope he gets better.

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  • 1 month later...

cutting is sort of a release to the pressure that is buiding up inside of you. it is hard to control your emotions and all the jumbled emotions make you feel depressed and numb. cutting is a way to prove to yourself that you still exist, and that you can feel. you brother is obviously in alot of distress and needs to have someone to support him, it is the only way he will get better. it is good that he checked himself in, it shows that he actually wants help and understands that he needs help to get out of the hole he is in with his life. try to understand that he is fragile so dont try to pressure him into explaining himself - that is the last thing he needs. just let him know that you are there for him and are willing to talk if he wants.

good luck



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