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My boyfriend's best friend does not like me

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I have a problem. My boyfriend's best friend, who is also his step-brother (lets call him D), does not like me very much. I don't know why, he is just one of those people that likes to be in the middle of everything. I am scared about how he may be influencing my boyfriend. D, likes to hook up with random girls, and go clubbing all the time. I'm scared he may be putting ideas into my boyfriend's head about me. How can I deal with this? They are very close, for obviuos reasons, and I don't know if my boyfriend will ever choose me over him.

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I think this is very hard. Your bfrnd best friend is prob jealous. Jealous that he is in a relationship and jealous that he has you as a girlfriend.


My ex's best friend did not like me and was one of the reasons for our break up. I think if your boyfriend is a smart guy who can think for himself and truly cares about you he will not listen.

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my boyfriends ex best friend did not/does not like me. Which influenced my boyfriend to break up in the first place. After us breaking up for the first and only time about a year ago, he regretted it and we got back together. Now he hardly ever talks to his friend anymore, and when he does the jerk pretends to be nice to me.


Best friends who are jealous will try to butt in and get involved and do whatever they can to ruin your relationship. They count on their best friends to be there whenever "fun" is happening. Now that you're with your man his best friend is probably jealous and angry.


I would discuss this with your boyfriend without insulting his best friend. Say something like "i feel he doesnt like me and I dont know why, I just hope it does not affect how you feel about me"...play naiive (although you know he doesnt like you for obvious reasons) pretend like you dont know, be really sweet and so on.


Good luck!!!!


meddling best friends are really annoyinG!!! be strong!!

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I too was in this situation with my "x"- it has to do with jealousy. I do not believe his friend is a TRUE friend b/c if he was he would wanthim to be truly happy- a genuine friend wants to see someone they care about & respect (like a brother/sister) happy not b/c of their own selfish reasons- even if that means they may lose the closeness they oncehad- a true connection is never lost no matter who comes into your lives.


Remember that it is his issue, not yours, just be who you are- don't let either of them manipulate you into changing. If your bf dumps you b/c of his buddy them ay least you know what kind of man he is- good luck.

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