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What do you do when parents fight?

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I love my parents, they've always been there for me and it just tears me apart when they fight. It's happened before, and every time it makes everything really awkward, especially when they say bad things about eachother. I know i can't really help, because it is in between them, they talk to me about it,mostly my mom, but i can't stop them. Is there anything you can do to make it better?

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Not really - just keep out of it, and dont let yourself get dragged into it or into taking sides. Thats what ahppened to me when my parents used to argue all the time not long before they divorced - I got dragged into it and dragged into taking sides - not fun at all.


Other than that, realise its between them, and if anything, just tell them how you feel about it and how it makes you feel.

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Oftentimes, there exists a healthy ammount of strife in a truly happy marriage. My parents have been happily married for a little more than 20 years now and they have the occasional quarrel.

I suppose it's important to understand what kind of fights they're having. In any event, there really isn't anything you can do except tell them how bad it makes you feel when they fight. Again though, having them not releas frustrations would be worse because a healthy relationship is one in which people express their feelings, for better or for worse (to a healthy degree of course)

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I grew up around parents who fought frequently. I hated the situation, and I hated how they sometimes put me in positions to choose sides. There isnt anything you can do to make them stop fighting or argueing...what solved my parent's problem is a divorce. I still occasionally get an earful of negative things about one from the other, but I've learned to block it off and accept that it won't change. I'm not by any means suggesting a divorce, but then again like others said it depends on what the arguments are about or how serious they are. Best advice I can give you is stay out and dont put yourself in the middle.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I love my parents, they've always been there for me and it just tears me apart when they fight. It's happened before, and every time it makes everything really awkward, especially when they say bad things about eachother. I know i can't really help, because it is in between them, they talk to me about it,mostly my mom, but i can't stop them. Is there anything you can do to make it better?


Your best bet is to stay out of it as best you can and be supportive. Let them both know that you love them. It's a hard thing to go through. Fortunately my parents didn't fight a lot but there were a few times when there were some pretty bad fights. Just hang in there.

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