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Well i must say that the NC is going ok I guess. the urges to contact him has eased up .When I started the NC I was really mad at my ex to be discussed with him. but i got over it and the mad for has mellowed out right now. I still have love for him and I still somewhat have strong feelings for him. and I still wounder how he feels now that I have NC with him. I see him online in the same chat room I be in but I still choose not to chat with him at all. I may not ever here how he feels, but everyday I go threw this breakup with my ex it just sometimes vex me . I dont want another relationship right now becouse my heart is hurt and I will probably never give my heart to someone again like I gave it to him. I feel stupid for steal having feelings for him like I do. I just pray to god that he takes them away from me soon but it takes time. Im just tierd of feeling lonely and empty inside. This is all a lesson for me to learn I guess. I just waisted 2 years of my life with someone that didnt give a dam about me and in the end it just killed me how he treated me. and I still have trouble trying to get past him for what all he's done to me. and yet he says he still loves me .(yeah) i guess......

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Sorry to hear what you are going through. Believe me everybody here has a similar story. But the good thing is that you are progressing with NC. With time you will heal and someone new who appreciates the way you are will come into your life. This will happen, just hang on.

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It's normal to lose the anger that made the beginning of NC possible. And then your mind starts to focus on all the good times you had. That's okay too, BUT, don't forget the bad times either. Remember that there were things that made you two break up. Don't make excuses for him or why they happened. They did, accept it and understand that there is someone out there who it won't happen with.


You will love again, but you need to get yourself back to a place where you can be loved. By that I mean right now you are hurt, sometimes angry, and depressed because someone treated you wrongly. That is a normal part of healing. But what if the person God wants you to be with came along today. They may not want to be with you right now. So just focus on healing, finding God's will for your life and everything else will work out.


Be strong, know that you're not alone.

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