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I Hate Myspace!!!!!!!

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MySpace is very similar in its functions as compared to other sites like Friendster. The edge MySpace has over Friendster is that you get to link up with other bands and also get updates with their music.


I see no harm in her talking with the so-called "nutty girl". But if your girlfriend responds to the guys who messages her there, I smell trouble brewing, and you should advise her firmly that you do not take this lightly. If she still insists on doing so, the choice is yours to make, if you want to carry on your life with a person of such standards.



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the guy thing wasnt too much of a problem because it was a guy she knew that was no threat though. its just thiis girl used to talk to my brother online and said all this stuff about hereself and she was nothing was true...........so its quite obvious y i dont want that girl talkin to my gf..........but my gf finds it neccesary to talk to her

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Today i found out she was talkin to a girl (who has mental problems) that i told her not to talk to fromt he beginning.....so what does she do, talk to her anyways. They had a nice long conversation about dumb stuff. Now the girl she talked to is a nut, no joke, she post pics of a baby and says its hers when its not. She a true compulsive lier. I told my gf that she needs to pick, me or her, and she said shes not gonna stop talkin to her and was very rude to me on the phone..............so i said it was over..


I don't really see your problem. If she having inappropriate conversations with guys on the site then yeah I would definitely be letting her know I was not OK with that. But if its just harmless chat about "dumb stuff" i don't see the issue.

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*sigh* like i said...if theres nothing to hide...then share the pw with ur significatn other. thats exactly what i had done....we had pictures together on myspace and our name was "(My name) & (his name)" some guys even had the audacity to hit on me...and i would just ignore them..or my guy would respond. but yeah...those kind of sites arent something u should keep to urself if ur not doing anything wrong at all.

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  • 2 months later...

The internet is just a reflection of real life. For example, later on she might go to college, LOTS of new guys to meet there and by the sounds of it she would probably do the same thing to you there.


My space isn't the problem here, your relationship is.


The fact remains there will always situations in life where relationships are tested and you realise just how much someone really cares for you.


So my opinon here is, this girl simple doesn't care that much about you. Otherwise she wouldn't go off with other guys so easily.


Get a girlfriend who treats you better!

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I underlined the things that made me angry in your post. Did you own your girlfriend? Because you talk like you did.


Personally, I think Myspace is ridiculous. I think there's no reason for it, and I agree it does cause relationship problems with some people... but that's only because it's right out there in the open for all to see.


Would you rather your significant other talking casually to someone without hiding anything, or be sneaky and spend time with them, or talk to them on the phone, etc.


Anyway, I think if what she did really bothered you THAT much, you should just talk to her about it. Maybe she feels as if you're trying to control her, and she doesn't want to deal with it? Just a thought... Good luck!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...


ok. i dont know if writing on here means i have to bash myspace but if thats the case then to bad becuz im not going to. to all you guys who are sitting here blaming myspace for your relationship problems then get over yourself ok. its not myspace thats ruining your relationship, it's your trust issues. what's the reason you guys dont want your girls on there. becuz you dont want her talking to guys. if you dont trust your g/f enough to talk to her friends then your wasting your time. becuz your obviously insecure with your relationship. so get over your ego. your g/f is with you isnt she. if she wanted the guys on her myspace she prolly would get them. and becuz she talks to ppl you tell her not to dosent mean shes trying anything. shes actually being independent. she dosent need you telling her what to do and who to talk to . your not her keeper. so get off her.


nuff said.

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Oh, Lord... Kids, play nice.


I love/hate MySpace. I have a page, and have found people that I didn't think I would ever get to hear what happened to after they grew up. It is a wonderful cheap tool for adults...

If your girl is going to act like a child and insist on playing with fire, then drop her and let some unknowing stranger take her on. More power to them.


BUT-- if you are going to stomp and throw a fit over something as stupid as who her myspace friends are and who she types (not talks) with, then I really think that you two are made for each other.


Two peas in a pod. Two babies in a playpen.


Grow up. It is an internet site. Even people in committed relationships get to have other friends and acquaintences. I would think you would be greatful that hers are electronic buddies rather than real life ones that she would want to go hang out with and take time away from you...


I do think MySpace eggs on the stalker-ish tendancies that some of us harbor. Your g/f has a page, so you look at her friend list, and comments, and then check her friends pages, and their comments and pics to see if they say anything about her/you, etc... Suddenly you are up until midnight tracking down the ex g/f of the guy who once left your g/f a flirty comment to see if she knows... blahblahblahblahblah.....


Unless she is taking nudy pics and posting them or humping her monitor with a pic of another guy on it, your over-reaction is no better than her petulant child routine....

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I have a myspace account and I am in a relationship that I am very happy with. I clearly state that in my about me section. No invitation from guys...mostly friends with friends from school and some online people from some of the Catholic groups on there. But I have my settings so that it is private and people can't search for me. I use the site primarily for the blog.


The problem is not myspace...its some of the people that use it. Your ex was obviously one of those people that use it as a way to hit on other guys behind your back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also hate myspace I find it very sad, these people with 1000 friends? what retardness, when would you find time to hang out with them? it would take at least 4 years to spend just one day withe every single one. Its full of too many shallow people and pathetic girls that are sad enough to take photos of themsleves in revealing ways, it makes me wanna puke in their face for me to enjoy it so I deleted my account.

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id be more pissed at my girlfriend talking to other guys than a crazy girl. unless the girl is having sex with your girlfriend ... then id still probably get excited. but if it was a guy, id probably break the keyboard over my cat's head .... again.

oh and for the record, i hate myspace also. but love porn.

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I know you said "no more replies," but I HAVE to say it, if not for you to read than for everyone else who wants to blame myspace for their break-up too.

1. There are a lot of reasons people use myspace. A lot of people use it to * * * * * around- it's annoying. Sometimes it's just form letters that get sent out to multiple people indiscriminanty.

2. You are controlling as hell. Who are you to forbid your girlfriend to have a myspace page, to talk to someone... if she was screwing around on you, then that's why your realtionship broke up. If she wasn't, then you broke up because YOU ARE TOO CONTROLLING. Myspace is not the root of all breakups- it wasn't even the root of YOUR breakup. You need some clarity.

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  • 2 months later...

I just read these posts and it fustrates me. You guys hate myspace because your women cheat on you?Because men hit on your gf's(or bf's for the girls OR guys)?That is the stupidest thing I have heard.And then you try to control what they do online?I guess you men have de-evolved or something.If my boyfriend tried to tell me what to do I'd break up with him too! And like one of the users who replied to this I too have posted pictures of my boyfriend and I on myspace and make it known to everyone who sees my myspace that I am taken.. Remember on every myspace there is a little box there to say if your single,married,in a serious relationship,blah blah blah. Not to mention you can make your profile private and only for friends to see.You guys are pointing the finger at the wrong thing.

I have a sister that is going through the same thing, but she married a dumb f**k. And now she knows it after so much * * * * including him flirting with other chicks on myspace.

I am just curious as to how many men that said they are worried about their gf cheating on them on myspace how many of you have myspace for yourself and do not let your gf's have it?You guys give us men a bad name. * * * * no wonder girls feel safer around gay men! If you guys can't trust these girls why are you with them in the first place?!Grow up guys and start dating women you can trust! If you feel so insecure that your woman is going to leave you for a guy on myspace ask them to post a picture of you and her on there and make sure that she has that little box checked that says shes taken!!!Often times when you control or push women(but not limited to women) they often push back, and 9times out of 10 they push even harder. To sum things up for you that have insecurity issues....

1. Don't tell your women what to do unless they like that sorta * * * *.


2. If your so insecure, ask them to post a pic of you to and make sure she says shes taken on her myspace.


3. If you demand them stop using myspace, you have to stop using it as well.


4. If you can't trust them in the first place, they aren't worth your time.

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  • 1 month later...

yep i hate myspace too.

my account just got deleated. so i dont care anymore.

yeah i have been having problems with it too.

like my ex was talking to some girls while we were going out and they were all like "ily, i love you, your the most amazing person ever" and it was so annoying. so eventally i broke up with him. we went out again, like 2 more times. but im over him now. and all his little girl friends.

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