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Rebound: What goes around...


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I can't believe I'm doing this, but there is this guy I met on a dating website. He was nice, lived about 1 hour away and seemed decent. We emailed a bit, never talked on the phone and I stopped contacting him because I found dating matches that were closer.


Well, needless to say, those "closer" matches turned out to be duds. The last guy was a nice but confusing guy that I think was misleading me. I've been trying to forget him and even thought it might be good to spend the rest of 2005 by being 100% single. Only, I'm finding more guys interested in me now that I'm feeling thoroughly annoyed with men! Perhaps I hide it well?


Anyway, the seemingly decent guy I stopped contacting in spring has emailed to see if I'm currently single. I am and for some reason, I have just agreed to go out with him. He's still seeming to be nice, maybe hung up on me or desperate, I don't know, but it can't be a bad thing to meet him.


It'll be a public place, but I did warn him I just got out of a relationship so he shouldn't have any expectations. He seems to think he's waited this long to meet me, that it must mean I'm special.


I don't take flattering words too seriously, but I wonder this--am I making a mistake to try with this guy? I do notice I seem to have men in a revolving door who seem to come and go in and out of my life, never before online, so this is weird.


Is this rebound date a bad idea? It will help me get over the guy I can't seem to forget about. But at what cost?

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I don't think that this is bad. Just give him a chance and be honest if he does not have one. If the date stinks and you never want to see him again, you need not tell him. If he asks you out, then you mgiht need to tell him no. Otherwise, enjoy it.

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there can be no harm in meeting this guy but be aware that you may want different things. if he has any expectations you need to make it clear from the start you don't want a relationship just yet because of your recent break up, trust me men can more often than not interpret your words/actions as a sign of interest when all youre doing is being friendly. just go out, have fun and im sure you will both get along well.

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Ok, this makes sense. I appreciate your advice, everyone! I will go, I'll be open-minded, but I will also be 100% honest with him at the end of the night and let him know what I'm thinking. That's one thing I learned from this board--don't keep people wondering.


Now, for a laugh. This guy just emailed me a picture of him -- without a shirt. The email had no words, no warning, just his muscular chest and his face. But I'm more of a cerebral gal. I am suddenly wondering what type of woman he thinks I am! LOL! If he gets touchy feely too fast, I will use my karate skills on him!

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Do you find it amusing or annoying that guys seem to think a shirtless pic is going to impress a girl? I had a girl tell me that was an automatic turnoff, and I think many girls agree. So where do men get this idea?


Agreed, there is never any harm in one night. What's the worse that can happen? Bad food at the restaurant that causes you to come down with food poisoning later? A movie so bad you feel like you wasted a couple hours of your life and would do anything to get that time back? The guy comes on to you and you have to use those martial arts skills to beat him up and send him to the hospital?


Now that you've thought of the worse and hopefully had a good chuckle, know it has to be better then that and have a good time. Something could happen, or it could just be a night to add to your list of funny dating stories.

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So here's what happened... I didn't go on the date. I did tell the guy twice-via email and on the phone--shirtless pictures are a sign that maybe he's all about sex.


So guess what? He responds, and I'm not kidding: "Don't get the wrong idea, the shirtless picture is the only picture I have that's recent. Besides, I've been celibate for a year now."


That's not what I was getting at! And that sparks no sympathy or hope or anything in me. He's a bloomin' idiot!


I agreed to meet him at a restaurant, and started laughing to myself when he said he drives a sports car. (Remember the saying: people are overcompensating for something when they have a fancy car? I first heard that in "Mrs. Doubtfire.") LOL!!!


Anyway, his work schedule hasn't been too kind to him lately, so he had to reschedule and had the NERVE to ask if I could stop by his place on my way (225 mile drive) to visit my family on Thanksgiving Day. I told him NO!


He also wants more than 2 hours with me, but I have notoriously strange first dates, so I limit them to 2 hours when I'm planning it, but I'll stick around longer if the person is cool.


Thank God he hasn't called in a few days, so I hope he's gone away.


Instead of going on the date with him, I went to my friend's house and she introduced me to her single neighbor...ooh, la, la!

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