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Romance !!! Romance !!!! Romance !!!!


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Good news Post....


Last night I left a card on the windscreen of my BF's car saying "I LOVE U"......


It's amazing how much a small gesture can brighten someone's day !


What small gestures of LOVE have you made, or received ??


(need more ideas !!)

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OK, fist space these things out. Don't do one every week, do one every three weeks or so, but also try to make the timing unpredictable. If he knows to expect one the first Wednesday of each month, it won't have the desired effect, which is to mkae him feel great. Things done predictably sooner or later tend to be taken for granted.


Also mix things up. Be romantic at times, totally about telling him you love him. At other times, indulge his idiosyncracies, and at others, be really sexy.



Suggestions (and guys some of this stuff will work for you):


Get a post-it note, put on fresh lip-stick, leave him the imprint of your lips where only he can find it. (I have had one of these on my office bulletin board for months.)


Gifts that he will appreciate but few other guys will appreciate as much. Let's say your guy is a die-hard Miami Dolphins fan and lets say he loves old school Dolphins. You give him a Dolphins jersey that looks like it is from the 1970s with one of his favorite players on it. Lots of guys may have Dolphins or Steelers or whoever jerseys, but how many have a jersey of this guy, the fewer the better. This is not romantic at all, but he will love it and feel great because you got something that is for him and him alone. My gf loved a t-shirt I got her from her school, in the West, playing in a bowl game. No one else had it on the East Coast. I have gotten her a few things like this, and I have gotten other people things like this. My father loved a certain Yankee from the 1950s and has a t-shirt with his name and number, which no one else has. A buddy has a Mets' shirt with a guiy from the 1970s. OK, this stuff only works if your guy is a fan.


If he is not a sports fan, get him somethign tailored just to his interests. I love cartoons, mostly Warner Brothers, so I love it when my gf gots me cartoon shirts and DVDs.


Make dinner, but plan it well, even if it is take out. Want a real simple one. Get a bucket of KFC, buy the sides, find a day when he get home from work or working out or something. Order him into the shower, just give him (or her) no choice. When they are in the shower, set up dinner, lay out a blanket on the floor, set up some candles nearby, put dinner and some wine out, when the shower is done, meet him with a fresh, warm towel, have some comfy clothes out for them, them when they are dressed, tell them they can come to dinner. Mix this up, order sushi and some terriyaki, and make little japanese lanterns, get a japanese robe, put on one yourself, have a pot of tea and decent saki ready.


Be flat out sexy, meet him at the door in something see through. Cannot do that because of the kids, then walk out of the bathroom with it on, let him find you in bed with it on.


Give him/her a massage, get soem massage oil, again, send them to the shower, have it ready when they come out.


Send him/her a book about something they like or want to learn about.


A big amount of candy. Order a few pounds from somewhere like link removed. My gf got two pounds of conversation hearts for Valentines Day.


Tell them to meet you somewhere, have something nice to drink, gloasses, etc., just sit and relax for a while.


At indiscriminate times, walk up, grab on hard and give them huge kisses. Tell them there are mroe like it, if they are good.


A lottery ticket and a note: "I hit the jackpot when I met you."


A big thing of nuts and a note: "I'm nuts about you."

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what i have always found would brighten my day would be if ur special someone called just to say 'i love you'... just a simple little call like that...can really brighten up someones day.

And one of the best things u can do to brighten up someones day, even if u dont know them...is just a simple smile...

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Best things aren't planned out. They aren't big. They don't even require thought. It shouldn't be part of some master plan to show how much you care. It doesn't need to involve buying something (something homemade is much more romantic). It doesn't need to involve a theme. They just happen. It's the little things. Start small.What matters is that it comes from the heart.


Sweetest, most romantic thing you can do is to simple give a compliment. When you are together, just speak from your heart. Let your feelings out, don't hold back. Do you know how incredible it is to just hear someone say they care about you? Or to say you look beautiful? A kind word has the power to reach someone's heart and soul so easily. The key is to not be aiming for anything with it, not using as a means to impressing the person. Be honest, sincere, letting it come from your heart and expressing your feelings and emotions. That is what romance is all about.


The little things. For a guy, be a gentleman. Do all the old fashioned things like holding the door open, giving her your coat if its cold. It's not mushy, its not silly. It's sweet. It makes her feel loved and appreciated. But again, do it because you want to, not because you think it makes you seem romantic. Women can sense if its sincere or not.


Be there for the person. Be someone who will share in someones joys, and also be there to talk to when things are going wrong. When someone is going through a rough time, the simple act of you listening to them is touching and something that won't be forgotten. Who among us does not feel great when we are in the embrace of someone who cares for us? The feeling of knowing that you can let go and let all your emotions out with someone without fear or worry but only unconditional love.... thats's romance.


So what have I done? A bit of art work (and I hate doing artwork), it wasn't anything special just a college with various things to represent the memorable moments in our relationship. A cd of the songs that mean something special between us. Notes and emails to say I care and I miss her. Writing messages in the sand.... saying she is the one, our initials with a heart around it, the date of our first kiss. Overcoming my fears, just for her. And the best thing I could have done... simple be there for her when she needed me.

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Tonz of Romantic ideas.. lol...


Sending postcards and cards.. just because, no special holiday or occasion.


Getting a good old fashioned love letter, written in own hand writing, and sent through the mail. Stamp included and maybe some perfume sprayed on it.. lol.. and if you are sending it.. lipstick marks on the letter.


post it notes in my car.. or somewhere unexpected.


Chocolate hersheys kisses on my computer keyboard.


Make me a CD with music that you think I'd like...


Bring me chocolate or buy me ice-cream (ben and Jerry's chubby hubby) and you are GOD.


Write me poetry.. I've actually gotten poetry written about me and to me.


Leave a scarf with your perfume sprayed on it somewhere for him.. lol.. or your favorite sexy bra, sprayed with your perfume in his coat pocket.... where he will find it.


Surprise me with candles and music and a picnic dinner in the middle of the living room floor.


How about a beach type picnic.. in the middle of winter in the middle of your living room floor.


I've received Pictures drawn for me....


Take me for a walk in the park... on the beach.....


Pick me a wild flower on our walk...


Split a cookie with me... or a donut !!!!!


Send me ha-ha's in my email to make me laugh... tell me a funny joke.


and the list continues......

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