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x contacted me

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Hi everybody I had posted here before about my ex of 7 weeks now and that we were together 9 years well tonight she contacted me to asked me something and ended up talking for 1 hour i must say we had a good conversation about everthing.

She did say she missed me as a person that always was there for her good and bad and that she missed our friendship. Which i'm not ready for. She did tell me that she is talking to people and that she has slept with 2 people. I though that It was going to hurt me emotionally but it did not I felt nothing.

I just felt like talking to an old friend just giving her advise and to watch out for people. I actually felt bad for her because she is not taking the time to find herself and find out what she wants with her life. But I did not say anything or made comments about her choices. I know I'm taking my time for myself and to feel better and when Im ready to date again it will happen but not right now for me. so what you people think about me not feeling anything? is it that i'm over her already? I was confused to not feel nothing. Thanks guys is always nice to hear your opinions

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She did tell me that she is talking to people and that she has slept with 2 people.


This is exactly why when you break up with a partner you still have feelings for its best not to have any contact. Who would want to hear that their ex-lover slept with 2 people already.


Could be over it/her, but it depends on how much you thought about it afterwards? Your stlill not ready to date so your not over her yet.


Maybe it didn't bother you becuase you probably expected this or maybe even worse, so when you heard it you already dwelled on the fact..

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Well it's probably a good sign that the conversation didn't tear you in half - I know from my perspective that if my ex told me who she was sleeping with it would be a fair kick in the guts. They will miss you as a person, they have to because unless you broke up under bitter circumstances then there were some really good qualities about you that they saw. But the question is are you happy for her to miss you as a person, or does it still hurt that they don't miss you as a lover for instance. If you can honestly answer yes to the firs question, then congratulations.

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  • 3 months later...

I think taking 7 weeks to get over a 9 year relationship is not realistic. I agree with teacup that perhaps you were just in shock and maybe it may take time for you to digest the information....but I'm glad you've taken it really well....either you're made of steel or you're still in shell shock..

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