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I do not know yet will you like it or not, but I have a poem in Russian language. My G.F. wrote it last year.




Он уходил, она молчала,

Но ей хотелось закричать

"Постой! Давай начнем сначала!

Давай попробуем начать!"

Но все таки она так не сказала.

Но он обернулся у порога,

Свою решительность пленя.

Хотел ей крикнуть

"Ради Бога! Прости меня!

Верни меня!"

Но он не обернулся не подошел.

Она молчала, он ушел.


Ok, men, women, girls, boys, maybe "future" friends and everybody else. It is bad you do not know Russian pretty well. But at your numerous desire, here is an approximate translation of the poem.



He was leaving, she was silent,

But she wanted to cry out

“Stay! Let us begin from the beginning,

Let us try to begin.”

Nevertheless, she did not say that,

He was leaving, she was silent.

He turned back,

Captivating his decisiveness.

He wanted to give a shout

“For God's sake, forgive me!

Take me back!”

But he did not shout, did not approach,

She was silent, he has gone.


I know it does not sound as it should. Each poem is delicious just in its native language. All those feelings, exhalations and inhalations, thoughts and other impressions cannot be transfered to other languages, btu native, unless a professional translator takes it in his hands. Here is your the poem, you wanted that? If asked yourselves, do not critique it. PLZ.



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No need for translation I have done it for him.


Here it is;



It left, it was silent,

But it would like to cry:

" postoj! Give we shall begin all over again!

Give we shall try to begin! "

But all taki it so has not told.

But it has turned back at a threshold,

The resoluteness plenja.

Wished to shout to it:

" For God's sake! Forgive me!

Return me! "

But it has turned back has approached.

It was silent, it has left.



Ok translation was rather dodgy as I dont speak russian lol, used an online translator, but pooepm looks pretty good.

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kamurj can you read russian? just curious. interesting poem


i can understand fine, but i am not very good at reading and speaking it.


off topic: at home i even have RTVI; like their news a lot as it is very international like BBC. especially like tolisten and watch all radio and TV programs by Виктор Топаллер. very good journalist NPR fresh air style.

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