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He broke NC and i took the bait

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Okay the ex text me last night. One asking if I watched the game and that we was so drunk and the next one 40mins later saying fine don't talk to me I'm just trying to be friendly. I being incredibly stupid text him this morining something like I watched it but I have to get up early so I couldn't talk to him.....I feel like a complete idiot. I mean I've been trying to do the whole nc for two months now and every few days if I respond or not there he is to say something. Could he really just be trying to be my friend or using me as a filler when his current girlfriend isn't around. (I might add he's very happy with her)?

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I'm tellin' ya pumpkin, this man is screwing with your mind and emotions. Don't fall for. I am sure he is happy with his new girlfriend, he is seeing if you are happy. If you ignore him enough, he will stop. He is trying to get a rise out of you. Stay strong and IGNORE HIM!

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What I find funny and it really makes me laugh is that I'm happy day to day. I've found a way to live without him with the occasional bump along the way of missing him. Even if it's all a game to him it makes me feel good inside to know that I can walk away from him and find happiness and he still needs me even if it's for some sick twisted pleasure of his own. I hope that it's okay to feel this way!!!!

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He is just messing with you pumpkin, it's why he gets mad when he realizes you are not on a leash waiting for him to yank you back...but then again, once he realizes then he probably feels better all over again.


You would do better just ignoring him. Whom cares if he gets mad, he is with someone else, NOT with you, and has no control over how you spend your time, and should not expect you to jump everytime he tells you too.

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