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Everything posted by starry_night

  1. RayKay seems to have it very right, this boy really is just messing with your head. But don't beat yourself up because you text him back - old habbits die hard, they say. Remember, pumpkin - you are strong forever
  2. A while back (I'd say 18 months), a friend that I liked and I had rather too good a time at an after-grad party - no sex, but much fooling around. Imagine how used and guilty I felt when he told me he was only interested in the physical. He asked to be "friends with benefits" but I told him straight up that unless we were seeing each other, nothing more could happen. Months went by and, eventually, I got over the crush - mostly because I was so angry with him. But recently, he's taken to asking me over to "hang out", have phone sex, and even asked if I knew any one up for a threesom. If it were any one else, "no" would be the imidiate answer, but some times I find my self thinking about him. And, as poeple who are interested in me are few and far between, I've been wondering if giving up my virginity to him would really be that bad. I certainly want sex, but from him? I'm not so sure. . . Words of wisdom, any one?
  3. This thread isn't so much about about dating - more a lack there of. See, I'm nearly 19 years old and I've never been in a relationship. I've been on a date here and there, but nothing really comes of it. It seems the only ones interested are just looking for a strings-free lay - some thing I'm not into. So what is it about me that screams friend when what I really want to be is girlfriend?
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