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Staying strong...But need advice...Help!

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My boyfriend of three years broke up with me 2 1/2 weeks ago...we are both 25 years old. I am still in college and he has a full time job and recently lost 100 pounds in the last 8 months or so.

Our relationship was rocky because of two reasons...my insecurities and his inability to communicate with me about them in a loving manner. He told me that in order for the relationship to last he needed me to get help...which was and am currently doing. The main point is that we broke up because he told me he had feelings for this girl he has known since highschool....who he recently hung out with at a party...they were talking about our relationship and he felt a so called "connection" with her. This hurts like hell. I know for a fact he is wanting to date her and it has only been 3 weeks....He thinks for some reason that they are perfect for each other when he felt the same exact way about me...

Another great example of a stab in the back is that when he was trying to work things out with me he said...."i wish i could just date you both"..."she is finished school" (which im almost done doing). This girl dated his twin brother (few months) as well as his college best friend for 7 years. I told him why dont you just go outside of what is familiar and take a risk...he claims that why do that when something perfect could be right in front of you...

He is a very sensitive person and I remember how quickly he opened up to me...I definitely did not feel the same way he did at first...he pretty much rushed everything...brought up marriage first etc.. But I did love him...I still love him even tho I am extremely hurt and sort of want revenge (sick)

My question is that if he sees this girl as similar to me.. But doesnt have insecurities and is "finished school"...do you think that is extremely shallow? I was with the boy when he was insecure and overweight...i loved him and worked with his problems and he just could not tolerate mine...even after I am getting help and talking to a professional about them.

Do you think that him and this girl will last and also do you think that if he dates her it is too soon for him? I think deep down he still has that fat guy mentality...what do you think?



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