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take away the heartache and confussion as to why this relationship crumbled in one month after a honeymoon type vacation and i am sitting here typing and feeling like a fool. how can i have fallen for the act AGAIN! in july she is telling me i want to marry you and i am so happy with you...i like an idiot give her everything..i let her drive my car (i have never allowed any of my exs to drive a 100,000 dollar auotmobile..i gave her thje keys to the apt..gifts..poems..dinners..massages..i mean i was the model mate..if i did 1/3 combined to my other ex's they would of worshiped be...i wanted her to stay because i had lost her before 3 years ago..and like that i lost the upper hand..from day one she dictated the relationship..which is not good if your a man. i just dont understand..the only reason i opened up like that with her was because this time i made the mistake of trusting her. trusting her feeling and her intentions...and she failed me miserably..i cant tell you how foolish and betrayed i feel..one day she is announcing me as her future husband toi her immediate family nad friends and the next minute she is sending me up the river with no life jacket...slandering my name now so she can look good and feel good about herself for the break up...this woman has been a cancer in my life from day one...the first time we met..she was young and i wa dating someone..i broke up with them just so i could be with her and 2 weeks later she dumps me..a year later she comes back and is like i want to be with you..that lasted two mon ths and she dumped me again..it was a very ugly break up..3 years later we accidentaly meet up at a club and hit it off again..dated 17 months 10 which were exclusive...and then she does this to me again..i just feel like a fool! i am a someone i am a winner..in everything i do..work.gym etc.. and here i am getting played by some little trick (she is a fast girl i know her past but i just love her..i love the postives in her i love the potential of the future but its never going to happen) whom has nothing to offer me..nothing i mean she cant even show loyalty and consistency to me. my heart is so broken again...this time i thought she was for real..she partied she had her guys and i felt like i could finally win her over..unfortunately i was WRONG

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Aww... sukerbut..


It happens to the best of us. If we could only write the script for the people we love, they would love us forever, never cheat or lie, and above all never break our hearts...


but we don't and now you have to sit with a broken heart again. I'm so sorry things did not work out. I want you to remember you are a good person, successfull in so many areas in your life. Take a good hard look at who she really is. She played you, she will play the next one, and the next. Soon when you are feeling better, you will see that you are the lucky one, to get away, and not be the next one she plays.


Of course she is a great girl, with charisma etc, that is how she catches all of them in her trap, face it you would have never fallen 3 x times for a dreary average girl???


...but, even knowing this it still hurts like hel doesn't it!


We are here to listen if you want to talk.

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YOU ARE SO RIGHT..every time she walks into a room she lights it up..she is tall and clasically beutiful..not cheap looking..she is out going and super..but she is a man eater..i know her well because by cousinn dates her cousin now for five years. i know her histiry and let me tell you i was hesitant in dating her again. but how can you pass up such a great catch you think to yourself..you say this time..i am going to do it..and thats the hard part..i had her for a waking minute...but that was short lived..she could not be changed..i was fool to try again...my love for her meant nothing..she would lie next to me and i wwould just stare at her and take in that angelic beuty...the exterior is truly somerthing spectacular..if you dont know her holy cow she will fool you..fooled my entire immediate family. every body loves her..but the interior is ugly and corroded..many deamons brewiing in there..deamons that can not be exorcised...deamons that will ruin her life forever..it just hurts so bad .. when you see someone so speecial ruining themselves nad you are sitting on the side lines not being able to do anything. i have to give up on her..my cousin for warned me when we started and i assured him "i know what i am doing" WHAT AN IDIOT!

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and you know what stings the most..the fact that she is willing to hang out with losers and dead beats ..at least if she traded up i would be like ok she found some one better..but when the woman you love and want to care of dumps you so she can hang out with leeches and waists of society it really really takes a toll on you..now i know i am going to be better off and she is going to regret it one day..yada yada yada..but right now it really infuriates me

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I hear you Sukerbet...


I to was with a 22 yr old girl and things were great....We have known each other for a while and things just happened for 1.5 years...


She was always the wild girl but now that she was older she was not so much the wild girl no more...


Well I had some problems she was not happy and she left and now she is dating a (recovering???) Heroin addict I don't know if he is or is not...She says she loves him but she does not know what real love is...He treats her like crap like allthe rest of her former b/f's...


I guess whe is accustomed to being with crap so she is comfortable as she would tell me she did not deserve me and I was to good for her....

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I've been there myself recently. If you're interested read some of my posts about her. Basically she left me for a guy that abused her for 6 years, she went through two abortions with this dirt ball, and he physically abused her, not to mention the horrific mental abuse he put her through. Two of her brothers found out about the abuse and drug him out of the hosue 2 Christmases ago and proceeded to put him in the hospital. The abusive bopyfriend sued the 2 brothers and won $8000. While we were broken up and ran into each other, she made it a point to tell me how she hollered and screamed at him on the phone about the lawsuit. Then I come to find she is back with him. Ugggh! He is spending her own brothers money on her! It's ruined the relationship with the 2 brothers and strained the relationship with her parents. She left me twice for him and then came back. The second time she went back with him I found out after the fact. She somehow decided to withold that little tidbit of info until we had been back together again. But once she started her BS again, giving me the silent treatment, twisting every word out of my mouth, I'd had enough of it all and brought the last breakup to a head. I told her never to call me again, and she looked at me with disdain and said, "I will never call you again"! The phone rang 3 months later and she just wanted to see how I was doing?! I didn't pursue the chase immediately, let a month pass and then called her to see how she was dioing, and I got the cold shoulder, nothing but one word answers. Then absolute most frustrating relationship I have ever been in because she sent nothing but mixed messages the entire relationship. I curse the day she came into my life. She showed me her best side but just couldn't keep it together and the real her came through, a mean, cold, heartless, and vindictive woman who continually battles depression. I used to leave her house at night, get in my car and scream, waht the ****. She would take the most basic, little, thing, and turn it into a problem. I was played too, and used. In fact she even admitted it. I was used as leverage against the abusive boyfriend. She took everything I offered her, marriage, a baby, a house, ect..., and used as an ultimatum to the abusive Ex. Talk about COLD HEARTED. I don;t wish her well, like so many on here say you should. I hope her life continues to be a living hell, filled with more heartache and sorrow. I hope karma comes back to get her 10 fold, and I hope she never has another day of happiness.

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