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Healing is a mental process that can take time. I have friends that heal in 1 year, three years, or for some, they will heal and move on in THREE HOURS.


There is no definate time and everyone is different. I believe i have about 95% to healing, and for me it took about two months. Using rationality is the hardest when you are healing becuase you have an inner battle between your heart and mind.


But if I can provide one tip to healing, it would be this short and simple statement.




She/HE has moved on, you are both new people' now, dont loook back to the perfect couple that does not exist anymore ... Dont look back, move forward, no regrets, no What ifs, no I could have, NO NO NO !



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I want to so desperately let go of someone - but I can't.

I'm a spiritual person and believe in twin flames, soulmates etc., and my heart believes in someone to be my twin flame.

Yet they are so distant, so far away in this world, both in physical distance and in emotion.


I've tried so many times to let go of them, but my heart can't. Whenever I try to let go, my heart feels an immense warmth for them.

Every fibre of my being tells me this is the right person; I waited over 6 months for them, because I do care about them so awfully deeply.

Yet they'd rather be beaten to an inch of their life by some dreadful waster who tries to lock them up in their own house...


I feel their pain, and I feel their happiness. There is a connection so deep to them, I don't think it will ever be broken until one of us leaves this Earth...

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or for some, they will heal and move on in THREE HOURS.


I just wanted to comment on this portion of the post. Anyone who claims they got over someone in three hours is guilty of one of the two things I'm about to list. 1. They did not have very strong feelings for the person and so they were happy that they are now free to roam more turf or 2. They are in denial and are only pushing feelings back to help them cope with day to day activities. Which in return will only resurface later when they can't hide it anymore and cause them even more damage then if they had just dealt with it at the time it occurred.

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or for some, they will heal and move on in THREE HOURS.


I just wanted to comment on this portion of the post. Anyone who claims they got over someone in three hours is guilty of one of the two things I'm about to list. 1. They did not have very strong feelings for the person and so they were happy that they are now free to roam more turf or 2. They are in denial and are only pushing feelings back to help them cope with day to day activities. Which in return will only resurface later when they can't hide it anymore and cause them even more damage then if they had just dealt with it at the time it occurred.


Or they are lying!

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THis is very true. My ex told her friend this, which got back to me. At first I was like wow she's over that quick!? Then I thought for a sec, and said to myself, she's just trying to hurry up, and get over me. Which I was write. Now she's jacking up relationships with other people because she couldn't focus on her problem.



So yes this is very true!

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