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handsome young men who are denied sex by the women they're

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I have to say, you are looking too deeply into things, and specifically the word game. Its always a "game" because none of us are perfect and likeable. We strive our entire lives to create a perception of our selves to be attractive and desirable, there by its all a game. It all requires skill, which is aquired thrugh practice, and mastered with talent.


Do not fear it, fight it or try to explain it, just accept it and enjoy it, because after all its just good clean fun. Some of us are good at it and others are bad, the ones who are good are the ones who make you feel that there is no game. Because its so natural you dont even see the evidence.


Although you are my mom's age, I am not here to tell you anything about life, just share my opinion.



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hey hey hey I don't think I was talking about game and pick up skills!!! I am not a guy who goes to bars, picking up women!! My situation relates to if I've happened to known some women for a long time, but haven't been successful at developing a sexual relationship with any of them because something about me turns them off. THAT's my focus, not the meat market.

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hey hey hey I don't think I was talking about game and pick up skills!!! I am not a guy who goes to bars, picking up women!! My situation relates to if I've happened to known some women for a long time, but haven't been successful at developing a sexual relationship with any of them because something about me turns them off. THAT's my focus, not the meat market.

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I think I'll have to disagree with that. It's not good clean fun. It's guys talking women into sleeping with them. I've been through that whole thing--although they never got far with me. But they managed to fool many friends and those women were deeply hurt. But guys at your age aren't thinking about that. And maybe girls today are just as selfish. If so, that's not a good thing.


you make me smile! I dont think anyone is talking anyone into anything. It is always a mutual decision to sleep with one another,andwhy must there always be strings attached? I think it is a game and all good clean fun, you know that better than me, so stop foolin.


The reality is that at some point, you will run into a guy that you regreat doing astuff with, and that one or a few guys, make you feel like you should not have ever done it. While you know you had a good time every other time. Thats just me, I am sure others will disagree, and will argue the other end of the spectrum, that sex before marriage is forbidden and abstinence is the key. Sex is evil.. yada yada yada.. I am just speaking on behalf of my 23 years..


So you sound pretty hot, what do you look like

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If you are looking at it as a game, then it taints your actions and motivations. You aren't doing things to get to know the person, to actually form a real and lasting relationship. It may not even be to sleep with her. It's about "winning." She's the prize and you are going to do what it takes to get her. If you really wanted something serious, if you really cared about her, you wouldn't be focused on anything but getting to know her and if something starts to develop, then you'll let it happen naturally.


workaholic, I think the problem is your goal. You say that you aren't trying to sleep with women, and yet the question you ask is why you can't find a women who will sleep with you? Most women, and the women you should want to be with in the first place, aren't just going to have a sexually relationship with someone they have known for a long time. They want a relationship, they want romance. Are you giving the girl you are interested in that? You have to focus on building a foundation of friendship, should mutual attraction grow then have a relationship. And as the relationship gets serious, then sex comes into play. Sounds like you want dessert before you have the main course.


Other problem, your looking at yourself as if there is a problem with you just because you aren't sleeping with women. What's wrong with that? Would you rather be the guy who sleeps with plenty of women but finds it lacking cause there isn't that degree of emotional attachement and love?


that sex before marriage is forbidden and abstinence is the key. Sex is evil.. yada yada yada.. I am just speaking on behalf of my 23 years..


As a guy who won't have sex before marriage, and speaking on behalf of 22 years, I'll say that a great number who take this view don't think sex is evil in the slightest or that it is forbidden before marriage. Instead they view sex as such an important and beautiful thing that they don't want to share it with just anyone. They want to experience it with, and only with, the one person whom they love above all else and with whom they will be with forever. They see it as something special and sacred, two becoming one. It is a bonding of bodies, hearts, and souls. It isn't just an experience so you can have fun, its about the love that two people share. And if we are going to share something that deep, it's going to be with the right person.

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