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I'm on NC for the third week or something..trying to accept & fighting the thoughts of contact that blow up now & then..( & he never tried to contact either)


I tell myself I were fine before I meet him..


But..but..he does exist..he's breathing now..I wanna know how he's doing..

How I'm trying to ignore his existence? he's a fact..he's a person I know..I have affection to him...I can't just kill it!


I'm not intending to contact, I know all the damage it will cause to me ( not ready to go back to the first worse days.. )& to others ( my family were satisfied when we broke up ) & may be to him, but I'm confused as always..Will that ever end...?

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Give it time just hang in there. I could take up to a year to fully get over him. I was lucky when I broke up with my g/f as I was forced to get over her as I was at hers for afew days and was best friends with her. But as I dont know the siuation why you brokeup I doubt that is best course for you to go down. So just hang in there it will end up fine.

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I was tempted to break NC with my ex because I wanted to know how she was doing, what she was up to, did she ever think of me, etc.., but I found it was easier to resist by picturing the conversation.


It occurred to me that I had an idealised picture in my mind of what the conversation would be like, the sort of things said on both sides, and how good I would feel as a result of that. And then I substituted a realistic, or even pessimistic picture instead, hearing harsh things, or even worse just a lack of interest from her, and it became all too easy not to pick up the phone then. Give it a go, it may help.

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my ex has done this to me only yesterday. (she dumped me)

this is just the my being dumped point of few.


i was doing strict NC and told her i didnt want contact from her ever again, due to her telling me she has been seeing someone else.


her NC lasted 2 weeks, texting asking about a letter from the bank. this really set me healing process back as i had "heard" from her when i was trying to concentrate on myself.


i never replied to the text.


just yesterday, she text me again. no excuse to text. just wanted to know how i was feeling and if im ok, as she would like to know every now and then how i am.


this has more angered me more, than upset me.


as who does she think she is, texting me to see what im upto, how i am. when she was the one who destroyed our relationship and didnt wanna know me anymore....now she has come to terms and maybe misses me, and know wants to know how i am. this is not her business now as far as i am concerend, if did contact her my healing process would faulter i think.


needless to say, i didnt reply to this text either.


it feels like she is tormenting me, keeping contact. as she is to blind to see the hurt she has caused me.


keep NC both ways i say, unless you have valid reasons for contacting them.

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