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What are the chances if your ex falls out of love with you?

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My ex still loves and cares for me but is not in love with me...




I think sometimes they use the in love out of love to give the other person a reason but inside there is something else...


To me either you love someone or do not love someone there is no in between...


If they say the love comes back it was always there they just covered it up or did not watn to feel it....But it never left....

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Here is what is really happening: she is shopping your affection and love for her. This way she gets to have you 'in reserve' while seeing if there is someone better. If that's okay with you, so be it, but I'd suggest moving on, because if she's behaving that way it's not an indication that she's good relationship material, tbh.

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sometimes i feel as though the hurt i am feeling now (from just being dumped by what i thought was a perfect relationship) is due to what i did with my previous ex Costa.


i was with him for 2 years, he treated me like a complete godesss, showered me with gifts affection and support, but we never had much in common, limiting the connection i could ever have with him.


then i met my Evan . we got along like fireworks, and had an undenieble sexual spark and got along on a special level i never had with my costa.


i dumped Costa and told him the PATHETIC REASONING that i fallen out of love with him. the truth was i was in love with someone else.

so i do reccomend u dont wait for this, because getting this reason does indicate another that she is just hiding from you. . .well thats what was the case for me anyways.

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Listen everyone,


Love is very hard to fall out of. Coooolsome, you said yourself she told you she still loved you. I'm also a strong believer that actions speak louder than words...


However, a lot of people after a break up almost "force" themselves to fall out of love. By doing this, they use NC, distance and denial. It doesn't mean they don't love you, it just means they think the best idea is to move on. And by moving on, it means to let go of those feelings at all costs (we should know this by now!)


And then sometimes, people have to use these options of force, like a break up or space... just to re-evaluate a relationship, their feelings, and their intentions. It could be a very healthy thing to do.

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