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For those of you that are interested or have been following my story:



I had coffee with her this morning. We sipped and talked for about 45 minutes. She had to go to he next class and she was the one who said "this was fun" first. So, I walked her to her class and asked her if she would be interested in having Sunday dinner together and she said "yeah, that would be cool"



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I asked her if she wanted to get together for coffee tonite. She said she did. i got her number and she asked me for mine and i told her i would call her. I called her at the time we agreed but no body picked up. i headed over to her place but no one was there. so i left a mesage on her phone and went over to the coffee place to see if she was there. Nope. i guess I'll find out tomorrow


Just out of curiosity- what reason did she give (if any) for not showing up coffee the last time?




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I asked her if she wanted to get together for coffee tonite. She said she did. i got her number and she asked me for mine and i told her i would call her. I called her at the time we agreed but no body picked up. i headed over to her place but no one was there. so i left a mesage on her phone and went over to the coffee place to see if she was there. Nope. i guess I'll find out tomorrow


Just out of curiosity- what reason did she give (if any) for not showing up coffee the last time?





She had a school club meeting or something she had forgot about apparently, apologized and rescheduled for the next day. Given her other signs, it seemed like she was interested...it was not classy of her to do, but sometimes we do forget...he gave her the benefit of the doubt this time around.

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Just out of curiosity- what reason did she give (if any) for not showing up coffee the last time?


She had to go to a student congress meeting (whic meets monday nights) because she's the VP of the English Club. (I know its a legit reason because clubs need to send people so they get funding and get represented.


Sunday is a while away and it doesnt seem that she said she would actually go,


Yeah, Sunday is a while away but that doesn't mean I wont send her an Email say on Friday or try calling her and asking her how her week went. It sure sounded like she said she would go to me. I appreciate your objectivity though. I'm not going to run my whole week on Sunday, but come on man, there's no reason not to be positive about this.

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She had a school club meeting or something she had forgot about apparently, apologized and rescheduled for the next day. Given her other signs, it seemed like she was interested...it was not classy of her to do, but sometimes we do forget...he gave her the benefit of the doubt this time around.


Thanks RayKay. Well that is an acceptable answer at least. I guess Sunday will be the test.


Lonseomeheartmark, it's good that you are going to e-mail her in advance. You can use that as an opportunity to arrange a time and place for the Sunday dinner.



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Yeah, Sunday is a while away but that doesn't mean I wont send her an Email say on Friday or try calling her and asking her how her week went. It sure sounded like she said she would go to me. I appreciate your objectivity though. I'm not going to run my whole week on Sunday, but come on man, there's no reason not to be positive about this.


All I can do is look at the language that she used when she answered your question. There was not definative response instead it seemed vague, now its quite possible that she will end up going and you will find that out by Sunday.

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Congrats! Is is a bit early to celebrate her answer (we'll see after Sunday), but what I am really congratulating you about is not only making it clear that you are interested, but having a specific date planned for Sunday, and then asking her to go.


I wasn't quite clear on whether or not she accepted though. You have to be clear on it. Make sure she knows it is a planned date. Did you set up a time to pick her up?


Oh, and as I told you on the PM, she should have at least called you or left a message as to why she didn't show the first time. I think that not doing so was disrespectful.

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Did you set up a time to pick her up?


No because she's going on a sport trip this weekend and isn't sure when she's getting back on Sunday afternoon but she said she would definitely be back on Sunday night. So, I will contact her later this wek, before she goes and ask her how her week has gone and wish her luck at the competition. Then I'll propose a time.

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I realize that and if she had known when she would be getting back I would have suggested a specific time. I'm not going to call her today though because that would be too soon. I mean I'll talk with her if I run into her, but I'll give her a day before I try to set in stone a time. I don't want to fence her in. I realize the importance of tying up loose ends but doing so too far in advance might hurt me more than help me.

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whatever you do play it cool to get her interest back,


i wouldn't say I "lost" her interest at all. She's taking some of the steps herself. I mean, she told me that she would call. I can tell when a girl sounds sincere and when she doesn't and from the other signs here and there, I'm sure she's interested in spending more time with me. I wouldn't put money on her being interested interested. Not yet anyways, I wouldn't rule it out as a possibility though

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