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So after about 8 months of not seeing her...

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The above is a simi recape....





We saw each other on campus the other day. It happened out of the blue. We did our general hello's. She said it was nice seeing me, but I didn't read into to much since well you can't just take words like that to serious. Then again who knows.


Anyway, my questions are,


Can I truly say it's over?

What could she be thinking at her point of view?

Is it normal to even at this point still want love from your ex?

Sometimes I wonder if the reason she doesn't contact or talk to me is because I don't do the same to her. I'm no woman so I wouldn't understand from her point of view.

I've made excellent progress being by myself so I guess I can say I've made it.

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Can I truly say it's over?


I know its hard but the BEST thing for you would be to assume it is over and just move forward with the thought that it is only you from here on in. Honestly this is the best way to approach it at the moment.


What could she be thinking at her point of view?


She may be thinking a zillion things....ranging from Ive done the right thing for me to OMG I just let the love of my life slip away. Thing is you couold go crazy tring to work out what she is thinking and any guess would most likely be wrong.


Is it normal to even at this point still want love from your ex?


Yes Honey...Its so perfectly normal to still want love from her......its natural...you loved her and feelings dont just turn off like a tap on demand......dont act on the feeling though......just acknowledge them and let them pass...


You are doing great.....a day at a time

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Thanks for the replies,


I have been talking to other girl, but nothing serious. It's just after that day, it kinda got me thinking what is "she" thinking. But I wouldn't dare break the NC that I"ve done for 9 months, just to be stupid , and call her. But then I wonder if she's sitting there sometimes wanting me to call her. But its like you said, if she wanted to call, then she would have called.Or she wants me too.....


Anyway, thanks for all the advice.

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If she wanted to talk bad enough that she was hoping you would call, then it's not wanting enough, or she'd pick up the phone and call.


Simply put, people put up a facade in front of their ex's. For any assortment of reasons. Revenge, resentment, hurt, happiness, etc.


Ignore it. You simply ran into a girl you've met before in the past. You don't even have her number.

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