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ex bad mouthing me

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I still love her deeply so that is why it hurts me that she would bad mouth me so that is why i am posting. Some of you might just say, who cares what she says but I care cause it is hurtful that she would get that impression of me and advertise it to others.


She basically posted on an open forum (my Space) that her friends view, that she found out who i really was when she broke up with me and stated i turned into a wh@re and that she wasted her time and love on me. I dont know how she has that impression of me and why she would speak that badly about me.


I've tried showing her i loved her and wanted her to take me back and all that stuff....and have recently just told myself that she will never change her view and opinion of me and wont allow herself to be with me again. Based on finally realizing this I'm just trying to do my own thing and meet other people and enjoy myself and work on me now. Ill still hold hope that their is a possibility things come around for us, because i loved her so much but I'm not sure if thats possible anymore.


I now just need to get over wondering what she is up to and not care or worry what she is doing, it's not my concern anymore.


Also, while i do want her back it is a slight releif to be single and not answer to someone and be able to do as I choose and have MY fun and not worry about keeping someone else satisfied by my behavior and things i do. I do miss having someone to talk about my day with and someone that is close to me and loves me to rely on.


Several times i believe in that help somewhat but not totally is "out of sight-out of mind" and "times heals all wounds"


Think positive and look for the good in yourself and live it up for yourself and be happy for you. We shouldnt need one single person to make us feel complete.

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it is a slight releif to be single and not answer to someone and be able to do as I choose and have MY fun


Yeah exactly...look at the positives.


Being single is great but as they say, the only people who want to be single are in relationships and the only people who want to be in a relationship are single.

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I hate it when this happens, she feels guilty about what she's done so she's trying to blame you for everything. It's twisted logic and not very nice at all.


But look at it this way, anyone who would believe her lies is someone who you shouldn't care about anyways. Their opinion doesn't matter. Just ride it out, NC all the way.

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