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I called my ex at 4 am and we ended up talking for hours about us.

It turns out that she misses the hell out of me. I was guarded but she asked me to meet her at the local dog park. Anyway we talked and told each other everything that we had done while being apart. This was not easy but essential for starting over. She told me that she misses me and that she wants to start over. I say ok , but we must go slow. Anyway, that did not last long and we ended up making out in her house. I ended up stopping it and said that we need to really start over and so we agreed that we would officially go on dates like the beginning. I told her that I had other girls that I currently talking too. She said that was ok and in time hopefully, I will only matter to you.

I am very guarded and dont wont to get hurt.

She is so beautiful and it is hard not to just break down and be with her 100%. I really want her but I know that we must first refall in love, and not go into old patterns. What do you guys think?

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i say try it! theres is nothing wrong with trying something, maybe u guys tried once and it didnt work out, but i say EVERYONE deserves a second chance. but go really slow, nice and easy, dont be in a rush. believe me u have a whole lifetime! and it seems like she really loves u. just pretend shes a new person, start over as u would with anyone new. what happened between u 2 before, consider it as an advantage: u know her alot better than an average girl. THATS GOOD! just keep it nice and easy.

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I agree with going for it. I never really understand the concept of going slow if it means retrograde in the relationship. Why not fix the problems that went wrong and make extra efforts to improve even more the things that went right? No one needs to be feeling that the relationship might fail again, or be more insecure than is necessary.


If you love her and she loves you - that is what is truly important - don't undermine that, it is the cement that binds you together.


Go for success and think positive - don't assume failure.

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