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I know this might take awhile to be answered cuz of all the other posts but if someone could help me out id reallly appreciate it.


Alright so i just broke up with my girlfriend of 10 months about a week and a half ago. She said that we needed a break and were not alike or we shouldnt be together. So shes already sorta dating another guy and its really hard for me. I also did all the wrong things and have begged for her to give me another chance and to let me show her that i really love her and will make her happy. So basically im just finding out about all this NC and i think its a great idea but it would be hard for it to work out with us.


First of all should i tell her i want to do this or should i just stop talkin to her? Is saying that im doing this to let her get her space and figure out things a good idea while also saying that i will always love her and hope she will give me another chance? So should i tell her or what?


Also, we go to school together and i walk with her between all classes. Isnt it gonna be kinda hard to not speak or see her when i see her all day long and she shares my locker? So do you think she'll forget about me and just get into a relationship with this guy or what because im really confused and i just dont wanna lose her by not speaking to her or seeing her.

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Thats a tough situation. Its also tough because you will see her a lot in between classes.


My advice on this would be to go no contact without telling her. From what I've experienced she'll wonder where you went and why you aren't still pining for her. Who knows if she'll come back, but she will definitely think about it.


Also you guys were together for 10 months and probably spent a lot of time together. She is not going to just stop thinking about you.

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Friend I know it's hard, but at this point the best thing you can do is cut all ties and do your best to move on. If she started dating someone else so quick, then she never truly cared about you anyways. Start NC without announcing it and do your best to stay out of touch. If she comes up to you, be civil but aloof, like you have something better to do. And get a new locker ASAP.

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