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like this girl, but dnt know how to talk to her

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ok, theres this girl that works at this resteraunt i am wanting to get to know,but, i dnt know anything about her, idk her name, nothing, i'm not afraid to ask, i just don't know how to ask her without it bein obviouse that i'm trying to "get to kno her", should i jsut be straight forward and say, wats your name? if a girl can help me with this, that'll prob be the best if theres any guys that know any ways i can flirt with her and stuf like that, and girls if u kno anyways also, please tell...thanks

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not that good at that buddy...if i could get a convo started with her, i'd be fine, but starting it is my problem, and i dnt wanna take her away from her work, or get her fired, but if i'm gunna persue her, i have every right to talk to her.. but idk how to start the convo...

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i like that second 1, i'm blodne,bare with me, i didnt get the first 1..lol any more? like sum more good ice-breakers, she works at zaxby's it's a chicken place, by the way do u have AIM?


Yep, down the bottom there.


It's all about confidence - if you appear like you're God's gift; you will be seen as it.

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Oddly enough, I met my boyfriend at my job...he was one of my customers. He would come there all the time and eventually, we really hit it off. We made small talk at first. He would come there almost every day, I came to know his order and had it ready for him when he came in. (it was a coffee shop so its not exactly the same as a restaurant, but you get the drift) eventually, he came one day and told me to write my phone number on his coffee cup. That was 2 years ago and weve been together ever since.


The best thing you can do is just make odds and ends meet right now. Strike up a converstion about something happening at that moment. When you go to the restaurant, ask to be sat in her section, make sure you notice her name tag if there is one or a name on the bill. Remember, girls dont really like it when they have to make the first move, they normally wait for guys to make the first move. But dont be to demanding at first. After being waited on by her a couple times mention how every time you come there she is always there and is she alaways working, does she evr get a day off? When she says, yes, of course, ask her if she would like to do something on her day off when ever she says it is.


Keep in mind that she works in a restaurant and probably would not want to go to another restaurant on her day off. Try telling her something that you are doing this weekend with your friends and you would like for her to come. A situation where she is able to drive herself in a public place is better because she doesnt really know you so probably does not want to jump right in a car with you or be alone already with you like at a movie theater or something.


Try bowling, karaoke, pool, bbq at a park, or something that is local in your area that is a big hit with people your age range. Make sure you give her all the details of where you would want her to be and times and everything. See if she offers you her number to get ahold of her, if not give her yours in case she has any questions or changes her mind about coming to your event. Hope this helps a little....Good Luck!!

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