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She is very confused...please, any advice will help

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I have an on and off gf for the last 7 years. We have both been through a lot but care for each other very much and are very close with one another. After being apart for almost 4 years, we started dating again about 10 months ago...She has a little girl and at first I was reluctant to get close to her but my gf would always say how much she liked that i was bonding with her daughter...then, out of the blue, she started acting strange....after a couple of weeks of this, i called her out on it and now she is saying that everything is moving too fast and it bothers her...that she does not doubt her feeling for me but doubts why she is in this relationship. She says she does not want to see other people, but she cant do what we have been doing for 10 months. I made it very clear to her that i would not take steps backwards and if this did not work out, I would need to move on...without her in my life in any capacity...for me to get over her, I will not be able to see or talk to her at all...that is not what I want, because we have been so close for 7 years, but for 4 of them, I was her "friend" and it killed me...especially when she was having someone elses baby...she doesnt know what to do and neither do I...At this point, I am starting to get angry with her...why should i be with someone or want to be with someone who has to think about whether they want to be with me or not....the crazy thing is that it is so out of the blue...3 weeks ago, she says, I miss you, I love the way you bond with the baby..she asks about you when you are not here...and then this...she is very sad and confused and I am hurting as well...I am almost to the point where I have to tell her...you know what..I deserve better than this...I love you and want to be with you but I am tired of trying..I am tired of the games, I am tired of the "I dont knows" and ultimately, it is going to make me tired of life....any suggestions


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When you date someone with a kid you are in a relationship with both. Perhaps she sees the way you are with her kid and likes it. Kinda like a father figure. She may not be totally in love with you but might be torn between doing something good for the kid. Either way she is confused about what to do. So pretty much tell her what you just wrote.

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