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Brothers Best friend likes me

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ive known for about 6 months that he has a thing for me, but he hasnt done much about it till thursday. me my bro and him were playing truth or dare, and he dared his friend call him a, to kiss me and what do u know he did... his first kiss was me. So he has really low self-esteem, "I'm really fat. I'm really ugly. No girl will ever like me." and all that stuff, and i felt really bad about turning him down so i said why not and yeah... i really dont like him though. i dont know how to turn him down, because he asked me out today, but i said i dont know I have a boyfriend... which is kind of a lie, but i needed an excuse. so he found out i dont, so i told him that i just need time and i really like someone who likes me too, which isnt a lie, but he didnt buy it. he said i have to tell him by tomorrow. what do i do. keep in mind hes my brother's best friend and i cant hurt his feelings because i see him all the time. HELP!!!

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i say just tell him that u really do like someone else and he likes u...and the kiss was just part of the game, u never thought it would mean something real!...which sounds totally cool, cuz i mean it was a game! right!? just say: "i thought we were really good friends, i never thought of us as anything more, i like u sooo much as a friend" bla bla bla...and just tell him it was a game. i think that will work. just take it really calmly, like u thought it was no big deal. hope i helped bye!

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