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How to kiss(lame but true!)

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i no there is no such thing as a perfect kiss..

but i just want to no the best way to kiss a girl...

cuz me and my gf whu just got into a relationship..end up making out almost everytime we meet...its just that i am too worried about the fact that i havent kissed much before in life..

so sometimes i find her to be a better kisser..(

just wondering how to start and how to proceed...where should my hands go..and do i have to give it some kind of rythm?

(yeah i no this may sound like a stupid topic..which i am sure it is..but am really worried about this...just wanted to no how to start..and how to end..)

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It's not a stupid topic at all.

It's better to ask and learn, than remain silent and think you're doing something wrong.


You could try having a look around the 'Kissing' forum; this topic frequently comes up.


Everything you do must be at your own pace - there is no specified place for your hands to go - time limit for a kiss or intensity which must be reached.

Be gentle and follow her if you're a little unsure.


Most of all; Enjoy!

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Practice makes perfect! My x b/f and I had never kissed anyone before each other. It was a bit off the first few times but as we did it more it was fab!

You can put your hands anywhere, but be careful not to wander, not all girls like that!c(on her arms, hips, waist, back, face, playing with her hair)

Oh yes, and don't stick your tongue down her throat- urgh- it's nasty! Don't stick your tongue in right away either, kiss her lips, then slowly bring in the tongue and finish with a little kiss too.

You can vary where you kiss her. Some girls love the necks, ears, face.


It's fun though, experiment- see where it takes you!


Take care, Hk87

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Ah phew..so its normal to be worried about this huh...thanx dude..

and yeah one more thing..ur sigggy...i couldnt stop laughing since it goes with the topic(ur signature=kiss my azz )

kissing forum?...i never knew there was one like this!!!..lets c...hmm..where is it...

and yeah..exactly wat u said...hands on her back..we just kiss without bringin in much of the tongue...just the lips..but the only reason is i really dunno how to do it properly..with the tongue i mean!!

guys u sure this doesnt sound like smthin stupid...rite!!

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The most important thing in kissing is that the two of you want to kiss. Once you have that, the rest is simple. Start slow.


When you do get your tongues involved, your tongue should meet near the entrances of your mouths. Neither of your tongues should venture far, if at all, past the other's teeth. Then you basically just have your tongues play with each other. Adjust your speed and pressure to hers, then use a little more and then a little less, find out what you like.

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Ya know something, everyone posts on how to improve the kissing but I think ya'll missed something.


cuz me and my gf whu just got into a relationship..end up making out almost everytime we meet...


If she didn't enjoy the kissing and think you were doing a darn good job already, then why would she keep making out with you EVERYTIME you meet up? Clearly, your doing something right.


Go with what's working. Go with the flow and what comes natural. The key to kissing is to not think. When you try to make it better, you can run the risk of trying to hard and losing the natural rhythm you have. Kissing comes naturally. As for different techniques, part of the fun is discovering them on your own and getting that moment where you guys are thinking, "wow that was great, lets try it again."

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Don't worry. Number one tip.


Make sure your breath smells good.


Don't slobber all over her face; swallow your spit before you kiss


Play with her tongue with yours, but dont jam it in her throat


Tease her; kiss her on the lips and pull back, let her go after your tongue




Just stay cool and have fun.

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