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First kiss

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Okay, so pretty much I'm going to the homecoming dance with this girl I really like. I plan on kissing her when the time is right, but, I've never kissed anyone, and I'm afraid things might go bad. What I need advice on is pretty much, that I'm not talking about making out with her or anything, but this "first kiss" can't be totally stupid and just a peck or anything.. How long should this be? I obviously wouldn't use my toungue or anything first time, but how should I go about this without it being some stupid "peck"?

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aww thats really sweet...but ok the only thing i can think of right now is while ur dancing n wahtever wait for the right time.....(if like ur just looking at her, like right into her eyes or something like that)then just lean in and give her a kiss...and it can should be howevr long u want it to be.......n dont be nervous...cuz then it might make her nervous...just be calm...ok well good luck!!!!!!!!! n i hope this has helped u

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planning these things probably isnt the best thing. youl probably notice the right time to move in (hard to describe, everyones diff, but some full on eye contact, and close dancing are some signs lol). youl know when to stop, as shell probably slack off the kissn back and ease off. just go with the flow, and check out the other posts on first kisses..

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yeah trust me, do not plan it! just a few weeks ago i was lookin forward to this friday night that i was goin to be with this girl and was planning the perfect first kiss, but the time that i imagined never came. so, it was actually at a football game and, so we were around people the whole time and she kissed me once on the cheek. then i realized i couldn't wait till we were all alone, because that would be a couple hours, so while i had my hand around her waist, i turned my head thinking id just kiss her on the cheek really softly and all, but then she turned her head too. so i just went with it and it ended up just as a peck kinda, but it felt good! and when it was over she put her arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

basically don't plan just go with it and love every moment of it, because it won't last forever.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok babe take it easy, dont plan kisses. they just happen. maybe lean in slow and give her a long kiss. it could be a kiss goodbye or hey a kiss hello is always nice! What i like is when a get a little kiss then a long kiss and then tongues.. but i could be considered a sl*t, i don't know how it works in america.







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first kisses are fun. but again, dont plan it. just do on her what youd like her to do to you! i remember my first kiss. my friend, who was sitting next to me just kinda leaned in a kissed me! i was confused but very happy. the surprise was an excellent expirience and his lips on mine felt so good. i dont think it really would have mattered if he accidently bit me. all that mattered was that he did it!

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