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babycristy I just read your letter out of curiosity.

I think its wonderful and you seem very wise and clued up. I feel your letter is different to the one of the subject here (no offence JJ) and does say closure but you were right not to send it.


NEway Its still a beautiful letter. Im such an emotional sucker!

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I understand why you want to send the email. You might not want a reply but you want her to feel that you're not the same person she dated.That you're much happier and feel better. That you're life is going to be exciting, go wherever you feel like etc !! When she thinks about you like all exes do from time to time you want her to think about this email the better side of you. You say you have been emailing her - I wonder why she hasn't been able to work out you have move on from those emails !! If sending it makes you feel better than not sending then you're def not over her cos what she thinks still matters. I think closure is a door that closes slowly not slam shut like this case....You will still think about her, even though you want her to forget you. You wonder what she thought about the mail. I think this email will make her stronger and you weaker !!

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