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I have nooo clue why it didn't work out....

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Well...I posted about my situation and i must say that he has not contacted me via internet nor returned call...the date went great...we hit it off right from the start...why is everything going sooo wrong for me Im trying to move on in regard to the ex and now look...im sad b/c the guy that i went on a date with is not contacting me/returning my call...wtf!!! I hate this cuz now im going back to thinking of the damn ex!!! ugggghhhhhhh!!! I need serious advise....


Annnnd...during the date he said that he did want to c me again...obviously there was a change of heart! He seemed like an awesome dude but didnt want a relationship which ws understood...i guess he felt that i was the "girlfriend" type something that he didnt want but had to go out like a punk and just ignore me!! any advise would be appreciated cuzz im right back to square 1

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Oh geeeze, I am in the exact same situation as you. It sucks, doesn't it. It brings every single insecurity out. I'm not up on this whole dating thing, but if this is going to be how it is, I'm not sure I want to get my heart involved ever again. Bleh! Sorry, I don't have much advice for you, but my sister and friends all say to just give it time and he'll come around. I'm sure the whole past relationship thing has caused him to back off a bit, but once he sees that you've moved on, or that you were unphased by his behaviour, he will most likely come closer... the only thing you need to seriously ask yourself is if you can separate your feelings, or be able to deal with his forward/backward behaviour.

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