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my best friend saved himself rather than me.

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I feel really sad right now, yesterday me and my "bestest friend in the world" almost got caught doing whatever and the police came, and my best friend ran away...he left me there...i didnt get caught, i was hiding but my point here isnt what we did or didnt do...its that, weve been friends for the longest time and we trust each other and hes always said he cares for me soo much, and how much he appreciates me as a friend, but when we almost got caught by the police, he preferred to save his life than both of us get caught or at least TRY to save me....who can u trust now a days? im just so....frustrated and...disapointed.

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It's situations like that which let you know the true character of people. On the other hand, the fact that the both of you were engaged in something illegal says something itself.


I'm hesitant to start jumping to conclusions about his character though, because I don't have any details. Like what were you two up to exactly? And what could you have reasonably expected him to do to save you from getting caught, without getting caught himself?

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i dont want to be "rude" or whatever, but i just dont really want to get into the whole deal of what we were doing....but its just SOOO disapointing that he did that! i mean, i trusted him, and hes always said how much he loves me and would do anything for me, and i had to jump into like a ditch thing to hide and i remember shouting "wait! wait for me!" and he never came back....until a few minutes later and i called him and whatever...but it was just sooo disapointing. and i understand that he probably couldnt do much to help me, but i dunno, i just REALLY realized that you cant COMPLETLEY trust someone....which is really sad.

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I wouldn't personally be pleased with a friend who ran away but then again friends and I don't have to worry about running from the police we don't or haven't ever practiced drugs, underage drinking, vandalism, harassment/violence, destruction in general. Or anything illegal to run from.


My thoughts are probably shouldn't of been doing it in the first place if you had to run or hide as to avoid being arrested. If it is that severe, whether the friend runs or not, you'll both end up getting caught eventually if it continues. There are very few times when one gets caught doing something illegal and doesn't rat the other out. His running just shows how much support you're getting.


Further, aside of all that, if he runs, better learn about saving your own and letting him run. Because you know, he won't ever be there to save yours.

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I'm not against illegal things so I won't lecture on that point.


However, I'd be pissed. Just remember that next time, be prepared to save yourself since you can't count on him.


But think about this, if you were in his shoes, would you save the other person?

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Well, some illegal things are worse than others. Were they trying to break into a store? Vanadalize something? Break into a car? Or were they just drinking on a street corner? Drinking on a street corner is illegal in most places in the US, expect for Vegas, as far as I know....


Could your friend really have saved you? or would you both have gotten caught if he waited up for you.

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Yes, what exactly were you doing? Rather than judging the scruples of your friend for trying to save his own hide maybe you should look at your own and why you were doing something that warranted you from hiding from the police in the first place.


Neither of you were right, and if you were good friends to one another, you would have talked each other out of what you were doing instead of worrying who was going down on the sinking ship of illegal activities.

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When the chips are down, there are very, very few people in the world who would sacrifice themselves for another.


You can't change other people, so perhaps you'd be best served to adjust your expectations to something more realistic. Don't expect anyone else to look out for your best interests. First of all, that's your job. Second, no one else will look out for you like you. Third, truly alturistic behavior with no expectation of something in return is very, very rare even in the most moral, upright, have-their-stuff-together kind of people.


Finally, if you're engaging in behaviors that are generally frowned upon by the authorities, don't expect your co-horts to care about anyone else's posterior but their own.

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Lesson learned perhaps. If what you were doing was WRONG. And you knew it was WRONG. Perhaps you should have pointed it out to your friend in the first place instead of going along for the ride.


I had a friend do a few months for something he did NOT do. Or have any knowlegde that it was going to happen. His friend asked him to pull behind a store so he could go relieve himself. Unbeknownst to him... the kid had a crowbar and tried to break into the store. Did not succeed.


When they pulled out of the lot.. they were surrounded by the police. And his friend that he had known from childhood.. never stood up for him. Let him go down with him.


Case of being at the wrong place, wrong time..and wrong person to call FRIEND.


I hope you've learned a valuable lesson. It could have come at a much higher price.

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hey i have been in a few situations when i have had to run from the authorities, and believe when the addrelanine is running through you, you don't have time to think its just get out get out.



Personally you cannot judge a person in this state judgement is somewhat different.

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