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I have a boyfriend that recently proposed me to get married with him, and I feel scared to make the decision. He is a great man, he has a great future, very responsible, caring, he loves me very much, and I believe I love him too... but there are some sexual issues that have been worrying me, and I would like to have advice from men.


The issue is that I feel scared about some sexual issues about our relationship. He is very shy, and we we had relationships, he normally comes very fast, (premature ejaculation), sometimes, even before the interocourse has begun. We have had intercourse after he has had some drinks and I realized that the problem improves a great deal, and he gets much more aggresive in bed (like the normal way) and he is able to hold it much longer.


But was really worries me even more, is the fact that I kind of feel like if he does not have much libido, sometimes I begin playing around and stuff and I do not perceive that he gets turned on as other men I have been with, and (it is difficult to explain), like if he was in extreme inocent in bed (unless he has a few drinks)....


My real worry is if he is really is into women, or he is not completelly sure about his sexuality... I mean, I normally think that men are much more into sex than women, and in this case, I don´t feel he is turned on like other men I have been with...


Do you think this is just shyness?? or there is something to really worry about his sexuality preferences??


Thank You

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I think it is interesting that you say you question his sexuality cuz of his lack of libido? ouch. A lack of sex drive can have nothing or everything to do with sexual preference. I think you would at this point know him well enough to answer that question, or why would you even consider marrying him?

In addition, his age is important here. If he is young, he will likely "grow out" of experiencing premature ejaculation esp. once he is getting regular sex. (A tip on that is giving him oral sex first, and then playing until he is aroused again,…men tend to last longer when you do this). And also I hope even when he finishes too fast, he is still taking care of you're needs…..if not you need to let him know what he can do…

In regards to arousal it depends….maybe that is just him, maybe he has a lot on his mind, or maybe its something you are doing….or not doing.

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  • 6 months later...

I suppose i could see this being a problem of shyness, i have the same situation, I am a very shy guy and pften feel really awkward.


I have very little experience with sex though, as only started doing it with my gf few days ago, but beacuse of my shyness i sometimes feel awkward with it maybe I will grow out of it who knows.

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