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any other disaffected college student out there?

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I'm a sophmore in college and I was just wondering if there were any college students here who are also experiencing feelings of disaffection. I of course welcome input from anyone else, but I would greatly enjoy chatting with people experiencing similar things right now.


I find I'm not really passionate about my classes. I occasionally neglect to do the reading that is assigned. I do the homework that has to be turned in of course. I don't have a crew of friends to chill with although I am on friendly greeting/speaking terms with a great many people. An even though I've gotten a grip on the relationship thing which messed me up a lot in the past, I stil wouldn't mind having someone to hold.


If there are any college students out there experiencing the same or similar things, let me know. maybe we could chat over the forum or on IM



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I guess you could say I'm the same way man. I have plenty of friends on campus, but because I commute, no one really around my hometown until summer returns to hang with every weekend. I go down to campus to hang with friends here and there and I am having a good time, but while everyone else just returns to their dorms or homes, I have to drive home. I mean, I occasionally would stay overnite, but floors aren't so comfortable if I happen to stay at a place with no couch hehe.


Yea, also, I am feeling the same way about my classes. I came into college last year feeling really confident about myself and my grades and classes because I did really well my first quarter. Pretty much since then tho, things have only gotten worse. My grades are the worst I have ever seen them in my life and that only makes me less passionate about studying when it seems to be getting me nowhere. Materials in classes that are core to my own major are even getting so hard that I'm questioning whether or not I should be in this field b/c I have many classes to go in that certain lines of courses, and I'm having trouble with class number 3 of about 6...so 3 to go and do well in the future. So yea...know what you're going thru, and as much money as it's costing me, I may end up changing my major if things don't get better.


Anyways...yea you're not alone...good luck in school.

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Yeah, I feel the same way about my school. I'm generally pretty happy with where my life is now. But as far as school is concerned...ugh.


I really don't like my school. The only reason I'm attending this particular school is because of some serious problems I had during high school. Depression. I started high school off as an honors student who slept through classes and got A's. I failed everything my sophomore year of high school, averaging a 55 because of depression. It ended up taking me 5 and a half years to graduate. Because my record was so terrible, a local city college was the best I could get into. By that time I was fine, and went back to sleeping through my classes and getting easy A's. Which, sadly, is one of the reasons I became depressed in the fist place. And on top of that I don't like my peers. I've always been very mature for my age (mom started calling me an "old man" at age 8 ), but many of the people in my school skill act like they did in high school. I have people snicker at me when I answer questions...things like that.



I tried to transfer out, but a year's worth of A's wasn't enough to get into any of the good private schools. So now I'm stuck in a school that is basically high school redux. I stopped caring sophomore year. With very few exceptions my classes are very easy for me, and I get no sense of accomplishment from doing well in them. The other day I got a 100 on my first exam in a psychology class and felt, "whatever." I don't do the readings, don't study for tests, etc. etc, and still do very well.

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Take heart, eventually you can attend a university where you will be respected. As far as getting disheartened...I know how you feel...same thing over here. ONly thing is, my home life is even more miserable. I don't know where I am going to live from day to day because my parents threaten to kick me out. I am trying to pay off student loans, and basically my life and all of its dreams have been sent down the toilet. I have really no reason to live, and no dignity whatsoever. My parents treat me literally as though I am five and I am twenty three. I am treated like a loser and beggining to believe that I am except that I have something in my that is such a die-hard. I am really losing hope though. At this point I don't care if I die.

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Take heart, eventually you can attend a university where you will be respected. As far as getting disheartened...I know how you feel...same thing over here. ONly thing is, my home life is even more miserable. I don't know where I am going to live from day to day because my parents threaten to kick me out. I am trying to pay off student loans, and basically my life and all of its dreams have been sent down the toilet. I have really no reason to live, and no dignity whatsoever. My parents treat me literally as though I am five and I am twenty three. I am treated like a loser and beggining to believe that I am except that I have something in my that is such a die-hard. I am really losing hope though. At this point I don't care if I die.


Hey, Hang in there, I know how tough it can get but there's NO life not worth living. I'm here if you ever want to talk, feel free to PM me...

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At least you don;t hate your teachers.


yeah, actually, my teachers are rather nice people, except for one who's a bit condescending but otherwise they're fun people

I have two classes where I hate the teacher. I love my art history, physics (he's teaching the second one next semester...yay!!!), and interprise engineering teachers. They are just great teachers! My engineering practice teacher I dislike because he gives out too much pointless assignments, too much reading assignments, and if you don;t go "above and beyond" what is expected of you, you get a C. I hate my calc 3 teacher...he doesn't care about his students...and usually I have had no problem with calculus (B in the first, A in the second)...I mean I study more that what is necessary...but dang! I have a D in that class and an A in everything else. It's not hard...but he makes the tests so difficult. Worst thing is they switched proffessors on me.


As far as people I hang out with, I generally am a loner. I am friendly and chat with people in class...I just don't hang out with many people. I hate going out of my way when I'm busy with schoolwork. I usually procrastinate getting things done though. >.

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yeah, i am a sophmore in college to, i feel this same way. Mostly because i have been going to school my entire life. Have you declared a major yet? I found that lately i have been getting to know my teachers in my major more. My classes have become more meaningful, try it, that worked for me.

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  • 6 months later...

Im a freshman in college. i only feel that way because i ahve no one in my life other than crappy people who only care about me when i have something good for them. if i need help or something, i can expect a laugh in teh face and maybe a dirty sanchez... and im talking about imeediate family too.!!!! i aheva fiance who seems to be the second only person i ever came accross to care about me or listen to me. but now, i believe all that was feign. he is always negative, he only cares about himself, only buys for himself, my car broke. no one includiong him gives acrap that i have nothing...he makes me suicidal. he agnostic while im clinging for hope to still believe in God. Is the bible just another old dictionary of morals? because i swear to god if god is not real, i wont hesitate for a nice public suicide of gruesome gore taht will literally coat teh faces of surrounders... if or when i kill myself, I hope it will affect and cahge the lives of everyone who knew me or doubted me or made me this way. I hate evil people.

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i haveno fear or trust in humanity anymore. people are apathetic cruel and disgusting... I wish there was such thing as true love **sigh** I will make the best psychiatrist / child psychologist/ social worker/ case manager ever adn i will put Dr. phill to shame and lament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Academia never appealed to me. I went for a few years in different classes. The only time I'll consider college is for a personal enrichment class, like learning a new language. Too many students are there to have sex, do drugs, and party. Just a steady decline in morale and work ethic. I highly respect the ones who turn into doctors, scientists, engineers and what have you. It's possible to make a good paying career without ever touching a college textbook.

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