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My girlfriend of three years broke it off 5 days ago with me.

I am getting better everyday, but I still feel so alone. My family is

supportive so that helps but I am having trouble with my self worth

right now. I was not happy before her due to the fact that I thought

I was never going to be in love. When I got it, I felt like I was on

cloud nine. Now that it is over, I miss that someone is thinking about me and wants me to be with them. Sorry guys, I just dont know what to do.

I feel dead inside. Everything I liked before no longer interests me. Everything is flat so to speak. I have been out twice with some friends but when I wake up the next day, I am still alone and sometimes dont want to go on. I currently taking st. johns wort hoping that it will help my depression alittle. I know that I will heal, but I just dont want to wait.

I want to be better now. I hate who I am right now. Even before her I liked who I was as a person. Not anymore. I tell myself to snap out of it but it does not help.


Does anyone else feel like no one cares even though you know they do.

Please help me not feel alone!

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Hey bud - I feel your pain and am still going through it myself. I know that you feel incomplete right now and you are thinking all the good that you had in your life was because of her - honestly dude - not true at all. It will sting but you will feel better and better every day. Look at it this way - the worst pain is over and you will just start to feel better (a little bit every day but yes still better). If it helps what you are feeling is completely normal. There will be other girls and there is a whole world out there waiting for you to embrace it - there is life after this girl. Try and remember all the things you enjoyed before meeting her and go out and do them again (surfing, hanging with friends as examples). You'll realize that you are a good person that has a lot to offer. I know you want to feel better right now but unfortunately it doesn't work that way. As I said - hang in there and it does get better I promise.

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