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Frustrated at Making Friends in new city

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I have trouble making friends in a new city. I've been here almost 7 months now, but haven't made any real friends, let alone make any romantic connection. I do try to go out quite often, social events, mixers, etc , but haven't been able to really become friends with anyone. All too often I would meet someone at these events, exchange numbers, but then afterward we either go separate ways, or maybe hang out once or twice (at most) after the initial meeting, but after that the connection just wears off. I feel as if everyone already has a clique or a social circle that they travel in, and they don't need, or just not willing, to make friends with a stranger. By the way, I consider myself to be a nice, friendly, social person, and have never had any trouble getting to know people before..until I've moved to this new city..and everything is just frustrating!! Any advice on how I can improve my situation would be great!


Also, do you advise getting in touch with acquaintances that I've only met one time? My experience, as I've mentioned before, is that I would initiate contact after the event / initial meeting (we both exchange #'s), and they either don't return my call/email or meet up with me once after that, and that's it..As for the people from the clubs that I join, we only socialize at the club gatherings, but outside of that they have their own families to tend to while I am still single..Why does it have to be so hard?!

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Hey there,


I had a friend recently go to Chicago for an internship and he had the same problem. His solution was hanging out with is cousins friends or clique, but of course you may not have reletives there so maybe try to become good friends with atleast one other person from there and network through them and their friends and expand from there. Sorry I have no absolute solution, but I hope this helps the least bit. I know it can be lonely and hard, my friend really had a hard time too. Good luck with that. I hope things get better for you.

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