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My best friend wants to get back in abusive relationship

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my best friend that i have known for my entire life (no exaggeration here) was in an abusive relationship for 9 months. then they broke up and he was really b****y about it. he was like "i am going to slit my wrists and kill myself" so she got back together with him. then she got enough courage to break up with him again, but this time he threatned to kill her mom and me (because we convinced her to stop getting hit) and her. Then she got a new boyfriend so he threatned to kill him too. Then a few days ago, he said he was sorry and he wants to get back together with her. She really wants to also because she is desperate for a bf which is rediculous at the age of 13 in my opinion, but in any case, she has so many other options. A LOT of guys at her school have the "hots" for her and she is beautiful. It scares me that she gives in so easily. I dont know what to do, but i need to do something and i cant go to the police because he already made up a lie about her mom hitting her when he was the one that did it. i saw him hit her its not like hear-say. and now Child Protective Services is on top of her mom so she doesnt have any back up. I am really scared about her. She is 13 and already getting into a lot of problems like this... she doesnt need to be getting hit and forced to do "things" that she doesnt want to do. What can i do to help?

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Sounds like this guy has some serious problems that aren't going to get any better. Might be time to call in the big guns. Is her mom completely aware of what's happening here? I think informing the school's counselor (and possibly even the police) might also be appropriate for this situation. This guy is bad news and she definitly needs to stay away from him. If she keeps falling for his emotional blackmail, it'll be a long time before she's rid of him (if ever), and it might not end until he finally goes through with one of his threats.


You can't handle this alone. Need to tell an adult.

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I would goto your friends mother and talk to her about the child protective serivces. Tell her everything about what has happened about this guy hitting her and making up the story about the abuse. I would talk to someone in school first maybe a counselor or a teacher who you trust.


This guy is an abusive in the physical and emotional sense. What happened to enjoying your childhood? At thirteen I was riding my bike and playin ball. *GEEZ* I am old. lol

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1. Yes she must get away. Use all resources available -- CPS, teachers, counsellors, anything you can.


2. Someone should be asking why she is desperate for a boyfriend? This is bad and could lead to other things -- like teen pregnancy. Desperate for a boyfriend = desperate for affection = willing to give in to things against her better judgment = teen pregnancy.

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You can't really do much. Your friend has 2 realize on her own that she is in a scary and horrible situation. She is 13!!! I was still playing with dolls at that age!


All you can do is be there for her, give her a shoulder to cry on when she needs it, and remind her every day how beautiful she is and how she can do better. Make sure her mom knows exactly what's going on as well. Your friend should step up and tell the truth about who is hitting her as well.


Good Luck!

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