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Anger, then sad, now i'm back to wanting him in my life

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Boyfriend and i broke up for a month now. He broke up with me because i didn't give him any space. After he broke up with me i was devistated. After a week of trying to talk him out of taking his words back he refused and told me he wants nothing to do with me. I let go, i stopped everything.


Two weeks later, class starts.. i saw him again. I'm so bitter i didn't answer any of his calls and even have a complete conversation with him. It was always a word here and there. I try my hardest not to show him emotion or that i miss him.


He takes my feelings for granted, all i want is him. Today he walked around campus all alone, usually we would be walking around together doing things together.


He would ask me stupid stuff like why am i not his friend no more on "Myspace" Or sometimes even asking me to pay him his money back for the minutes i used on his phone. One minute he is really cruel and cold and another he is really caring like asking if i've taken any medication for my cold.


I don't know how to act towards him anymore. I thought i could keep on giving im a cold shoulder, and just live my life. I'm okay, but when he is nice to me i want to poor my heart out to him so much, but i know he doesn't want to be with me and i really dont feel like being rejected again. So no matter how hard i want to, i can't.



Does he miss me or does he not? Even if he does he probably still doesnt want to be with me, why am i so stupid?

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You said he takes you for granted and all you want is him... think about that.. so basically you are saying that you want someone that doesn't respect you and what you have to offer... sounds to me this is more of an insecurity issue rather than actually really wanting him.. out of all the guys that can treat you so much better.. all you want is this guy who treats you in a way that hurts you?? how ironic that is?

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Hey mysterious girl, I believe he's taking you for granted. He's not that into you for sure. Anyone in a relationship giving you ultimatums, like I want my money back for the cell phone and stuff like that. Especially, after a breakup. , That's not a good sign at all . You pretty much answered your own question about this guy. goodluck

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Whether he's into you or not shouldnt matter right now. ONly think about yourself. When you start to think about him change your thoughts. I know its hard my b/f broke up with me on Tuesday of this week. And i am telling you the key is to act happy. Act it and somehow it just happens. I swear. Live your life , its the weekend go out with your girls. Have fun , when he see's you are okay with out him , he might have a change of heart - but maybe you will too and you will figure out you deserve a guy who will love like you love. Oh and if there ever is a chance you might see him - make sure you look HOT!!! and HAPPY!!!

No one wants to talk to desperation. Good Luck!

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