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I can't talk to anyone here...


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I have this problem: I miss Bry. As if you couldn't tell from my name...

See, I had this totally disfunctional relationship-thing with Bry and it went sour. Pretty sour for a brief bit, then bittersweet. He and I both lived in the same very small town and had our summer thing, then we both moved fairly far away (I moved 600+ miles). Our moving had nothing to do with the dissolution of our "relationship" it just so happened that we moved about 2 weeks apart.

I knew he was moving back to his mom's so I made it a point to throw out the pieces of paper with his mom's phone number and address. I also tossed out his best friend's cell phone number. Lucky for me, Bry's cell phone was lost before he left, so even though I have that number memerized, I can't call him. Thankfully.

So, like I said, I can't talk to anyone here and I miss Bry. I shouldn't miss him; we were so very wrong for each other (in a romantic sense). I'm intelligent enough to realize this, yet I still wish I could talk to him. Not even in person, but I would like to know how he is. And I shouldn't. I shouldn't even care and the fact that I still do makes me angry with myself. What's more annoying is that I hardly knew him but I can't get it out of my head. I'm a fairly obsessive person, but this is ridiculous even for me.

I feel like a 13 year old running around in a Mrs. Kutcher shirt who just saw Demi and Ashton walking the red carpet. It's not like I even knew this kid. I knew him for a whopping 3 months, and that includes the weeks he came in to see me at work and (because he is sooo shy) I didn't even really know he existed. Like I said, this is ridiculous. How that gamer got under my skin this bad is a mystery to me.

To be fair, he didn't get that under my skin. It's not like I was in love with him or anything like that. I wouldn't drop my fiance' for him. Of course, my fiance' wouldn't even want me to keep in touch with him, but that's a whole different story. And I only really miss Bry when it's late at night and I'm all alone (which is regular because my fiance' is still in that small town 600 miles away).


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Im hearing you!! I miss John!!! Bad Bad Bad for me.....I walked away....no choice....had to.....!!!! Cant be with him, just cant.........under my skin and driving me crazy...definitely!!!!! All I want to do is not have any feelings or memories left.....I want the thoughts of him to stop..........I want it all so far behind me that it cant touch me anymore....and sometimes I think Im there...and then ...AND THEN im driving on my car and thinking and thinking of Him and wondering what he is doing and I feel my dumb heart break a little........ ho hum!!!!

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What you are going through is completely normal! It's normal to be sad after a breakup and to miss that person.


I'm so glad you threw out his number though and have no way to contact him because no contact really works. Give yourself a few weeks. I know it seems like the pain and heartbreak will never go away, but it does. It really does. If he calls you.. if he knows how to reach you, try not to talk to him. It will only bring back the pain of missing him.


Try to find something to do with your free time. Maybe start a new hobby so that when you are alone, you can put your mind on something other than your ex.


You may be intelligent enough to realize that you and him weren't meant to last. You may think that you shouldn't miss him. But the reality is, you do. And it's ok. Just realize that it is normal to feel the way you do. Soon enough, you will realize that you will be thinking about him less and less. Just stick to the no contact, even though it's really hard.

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