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For the Women: What technique of kissing turns you on/off

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Hello there, this is mostly for the women on this site.


I am just basically trying to see what kinds of things made you really not want to kiss a guy ever again and or like if you thought someone was really cute and you liked his personality, what is it that he did, in terms of kissing, that turned you off and made you not want to even be with him anymore...if that was the case.


So basically what do you think a guy should not do when he is kissing you? Also if you can give the reason as to why...like it makes you feel cheap or it was just nasty or it seemed like he was too much in a hurry...this would help me out a lot. Thank you....

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Good question:




* BAD BREATH and general bad oral hygeine. It doesn't matter how well you kiss; if you have stank breath or a slimy, unbrushed, and unfresh mouth, it's just sick. My ex was guilty of this and used to make constant excuses for himself like "I have dental problems". Yeah, he did - he didn't brush his rotten teeth!


* Being aggressive or too rough.


* 'Shoving' of the tongue into the mouth. Ewww.


* Rough stubble on the face that results in my skin being left chaffed, sore, and irritated. Causes blemishes and semi-permanent redness too.




* Being slow and gentle.


* Explore the mouth with your tongue. Follow her lead if she's more experienced than you are.


* Kissing the neck is a small, yet very effective way of turning someone on - BIG TIME!


The only real 'deal breakers' for me, are bad breath, being too rough, or 'stabbing' of the tongue, instead of just moving it around nicely.

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* BAD BREATH and general bad oral hygeine. It doesn't matter how well you kiss; if you have stank breath or a slimy, unbrushed, and unfresh mouth, it's just sick. My ex was guilty of this and used to make constant excuses for himself like "I have dental problems". Yeah, he did - he didn't brush his rotten teeth! .


ROFL - is that why he is 'ex'?

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Personally I love kissing. Kissing with tongue turns me on as long as there is good smelling breath and the guy controls his drooling. I was with the one guy would like drooled all over my face and it really made me not want to kiss him again, but I did over a year later and he was better. If you like someone I think they will kiss you regardlessly but they will definitely try to improve your skills. Kissing the neck is always good. I like it best when my boyfriend kisses me and as I stop he gently bites my bottom lip and pulls. It doesn't hurt if you do it right and I don't know if it works for everyone but it turns me on.

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The posts up above have it down.





Soft gentle kisses......one that gets me...my ex use to do this and it drove me nuts....he would kiss me softly then open is mouth as if to start frenching but....wouldn't stick his tongue out....it was like he was teasing me....but I loved it!

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someone actually does that?


Of the guys I've kissed? Let's see ... I started 'kissing' when I was around 14, and in my 11 some-odd years of kissing experience, I'd have to say that around 30-35% of guys actually do. And let me tell you - it is raunchy.


Whiskers are the worst thing for me, I have sensitive skin and when kiss someone with a gotee or not shaving my skin around my mouth gets really red and kind of blotchy.


Same here. The only time that I ever get zits are when my boyfriend doesn't shave.

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You know...there have been some amazing posts on here...I like when you get it blunt from someone that you are not dating...this way you can fix the problem before hand if it is one...


Telling it how you really feel is going to help some people that think they are doing it well but are doing so only due to the fact that their girlfriend or so is being nice...and tolerating their apparent distastefulness....


This has been an invaluable post for me...not to say that I have any of these problems...but I will for sure make sure that none of these ever develop...for me...keep the post coming...I know there are maybe some other things that have not been mentioned...


and like the others...please keep the comments raw...thanks...

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well, if you're with a good kisser.. nothing could be better than a ssswwwwwoooning kiss that rocks your world, makes you see fireworks.. and where u lose track of space and time..


Turn on...gentle kisses. Nibbling kisses. Kisses on the neck...


Agreed... stabbing kisses.. turn off. Tongue swallowing.. yeah.. not into that... have a gag reflex.. lol. RUSHED Kisses... as if the world was gonna end???hmmm why bother... would rather have it slow and senual at the very end... lol.


ohh big big big big HUGE.. TURN OFF... bad breath... yep..have a thing about oral hygene... big time. Get em brushed, get em cleaned.. gargle.. see a dentist... get it taken care of... HUGE turn off.

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If a guy kisses right, it can totally take your breath away and turn you on like hell!!!just by kissing a guy i get wet if he is a good kisser!



gently stroke parts of your body, and maybe gently play with your hair.

don't put their tongue in on the first kiss!just open out slightly and do one round with their lips!!!also vearyations off pecks and this is good.

put their tonge in slighlty and use lots of lip movement.

Concentrate more on the lips then the tongue

pause and look in your eyes

gently bite your bottom lip uuummm.

Bite my fingers!

gently kiss my kneck

concentrate on coressing and genlty kissing my whole body




Shove the tongue in on first kiss and move it in your mouth for ages. you have no control and can't pull away very easily. not nice.

use the tongue more then the lips

long kisses of shuving the tongue in!makes you feel like an object.

them being in full control. makes me learn my back and try pulling away.

if you are lying down with them on top and they are just holding you down and pushing their tongue in = not good!!!!!!!!! you just wana throw them of you!

being sloppy and getting saliva all around your mouth!!so you have to wipe it off!!eeewwwww

persisting for kisses when it's obviouse you don't want them. i.e you need to talk, you need a cuddle, you need a friend, you feel ill and thr last thing you want is someone slobbering,shuving their tongue in your mouth!!!


i've had my share of good and bad kissers!! my first kiss was a peck on the lips,soft,nice. my second was using tongues for 20 secs at a school disco, lol haha. was ok. not really nice but not horrible. my third was awfull!!!the guy had braces and slobbered all over me and i ened up with lots of thick saliva in my mouth which i had to go and spit out an then eat chocolate to try take the taste away!!and my mind of it!!!!yuck!!!!!!!!!!!my routh i had a bf. sometimes his kissers were fine, sometimes not good. bad breath was a major turn off. also kissing me when i clearly just was ill etc. shuffing his tongue in and being on top of me in control wasn't nice. we broke up surprisingly enough. Next bofriend kissed ok. not really good, not really bad, although sometimes holding his tongue in too long. but he genly teased my whole body. stroking me everywhere, being soft and gentle and tickerling me. very.pleasureable, made me dying for him to go further.


kissing odd guys out in town!!!saome are awfull!!!ie too rough,stubble,fag breath yuck yuck!have some mints boys please!!!!! too much tongue!!!


however the ones that are good are gentle,make you feel amazing,plant soft kisses on you.let you kiss them so it is both ways, not just him kissing you. more lip movement.


hope that helps!


Sugar x x

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Jevon... I was swoonging and having hot flashes just reading it...


She did a nice job covering the touch part.... its not just about having someone kissing you... and their arms around you. But a nice slow sensuous touching...


I said.. TOUCHING... not GROPING... and not just going for the errogneous zones.... either.. shhheeeshhh.


How fun is it to discover that you get a ZAP and a Tingle.. from having your Arms kissed... or your inner arms... or the back of your neck..

behind your knees.... down theback of your calf.. etc etc.


Or the gentle hand that comes up and gently carrasses your face as he teases your lips....


Very very nice....


I think I'd rather have someone enjoy being with me as if they were going to a five star restaurant... and having Emeril Aggasi cooking for them... instead of going to the Micky D's and gulping down a fast burger..............


hmmmm but then again... we ladies are saps for that romance and gooy stuff. While a lot of guys...like the fast food analogy. They have thier objective.. they are on a mission. They go in for the kill.. get what theyneed to get accomplished..and done. Just intime for the whatever foot ball game they want to watch... LOL.. Ohhhhhh well.

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Hey everyone, lots of good information on here. I'd like to say some things...


While agreed, it is rare to find a guy that loves all the mushy and romatic stuff, I happen to be one of them I'm actually content with slow, soft and gentle kissing than having sex (yes, I'll admit I've never had it, by choice). You know, just cuddling, holding hands and kissing is amazing. While a lot of people think the neck and ears are only errogenous areas for girls, think again.... although I've never received that much attention to my neck or ears, I can tell you just thinking about it drives me insane. I'm Male and 20 years old by the way

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*BAD BREATH!!! Please get a breath mint

*Nibbling the ear --it sounds like you are going to eat it or something. TOO noisy. Like teh feel but ...eh...

*Slobbering all over me. Wet, wet kisses are bleh.

*Too dominant and forceful

*Holding my face too roughly so that it is being pushed into the guy's face

*When teeth bump up against each other ALL THE TIME

*Guys that kiss so oddly it is hard to tell what they are going to do next. I just sit there like...eh?

*Too much tongue

*Fast, aggressive kissing



*Having my waist held during simple kisses

*Nice breath


*A slow kiss that ends in the guy and I looking each other in the eye, and smiling a small smile.

*Slow, deep, simple kisses...period

*Gently touching my body (don't grab...ewww)

*A clean shaven face


Oh...and I dislike the fact that my BF made out with me when he was sick. Now I'm sick. LOL!

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  • 2 weeks later...

*BAD BREATH!!! Please get a breath mint

*Nibbling the ear --it sounds like you are going to eat it or something. TOO noisy. Like teh feel but ...eh...

*Slobbering all over me. Wet, wet kisses are bleh.

*Too dominant and forceful

*Holding my face too roughly so that it is being pushed into the guy's face

*When teeth bump up against each other ALL THE TIME

*Guys that kiss so oddly it is hard to tell what they are going to do next. I just sit there like...eh?

*Too much tongue

*Fast, aggressive kissing

Wow, was this all in one makeout session? Yukkie!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

My very first relationship was with a guy that was older than I, and he taught me how to French Kiss. Bad breath is definitely a major turn off, but the one thing he did that really, really grossed me out and he only did it the one time because I told him I didn't like it, that it hurt, was that he grabbed my tongue with his teeth, and wouldn't let me go. I mean, he put such a bite on my tongue that I couldn't even move. Don't like that, no way, no how!

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I think the best way to kiss is to loose your inibitions and just let go. One of the best kisses Ive had was kissing and licking all over the face. Sounds terribly disgusting and embarrassing on reflection, but at the time it was so intimate and passionate it was beautiful.

However I have to agree with everyone else here, brush your teeth o_o;

You couldnt pay me to kiss an unbrushed mouth. Yuck.


I think Tongues usually a turn off too, unless your roll your tongue around in circles together. its nice like that. But straight down the hatch is a cheap kiss and I hate it.


Sucking on the bottom lip is the winner.

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