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Guys - How important is appearence 'downstairs'?


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I'm not talking about pubic hair, im talking about whether the size of the labia matters to you? Long dangly ones that stick out? Or the ones that are tucked away? What is the preference? Be honest!


All us women know that they are all different - but are u guys aware of this?..i mean, you don't think that if we dont look like the girls in the magazines and porno's that we must be abnormal?

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Relax, no one is worrying about it but you. I'm sure you will be fine. I hate to be the one to fill you in but your really stuck with it anyway. Give it a name and talk to it and ask it to grow. Trust me dude, you have nothing to worry about at all. There will always be bigger , smaller, thicker, taller.

You play the hand you are delt, until you get a better one. In this cse you really are stuck with what your delt.


Good Luck, but you won't need it........you are perfectly fine.







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Wow.. & suppose my genital area looks a bit different from some porn star's???

what am i supposed to do?.. go have that altered like women do their breasts now?

Gosh.. ask me if i care if my genital area looks like some other woman's...!


is this an April Fool's joke?

You know what.. people are all different... no one has a "standard" this or that.. that is what makes people so unique...

can we just stop for once trying to look like someone else?

this is ridiculous..

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Wow.. & suppose my genital area looks a bit different from some porn star's???

what am i supposed to do?.. go have that altered like women do their breasts now?

Gosh.. ask me if i care if my genital area looks like some other woman's...!


is this an April Fool's joke?

You know what.. people are all different... no one has a "standard" this or that.. that is what makes people so unique...

can we just stop for once trying to look like someone else?

this is ridiculous..


I think she just wanted a little insight into the male mind here, which there is nothing wrong with. I think it is interesting to sometimes hear a males perspective on certain things, even such as this.

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Now that I'm thinking about it, I can remember one time my husband actually said something about this.


We were watching the last Surreal Life series and the ex pro wrestling female mentioned that a private sex tape with her in it was on the internet. Five minutes later, guess what my hubby is looking up?


We had both commented on some of her more masculine features during the show and wondered if she was on steroids to boost her shape.


So the hubby is watching the video and pauses it and calls me over to look at something. He thought the size of her genitalia was really big, possibly a side effect if she were on steriods?


AFAIK, the steroid conversation is the only reason it was noted. I never would have noticed either way, though.

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I think this question is what is fantasy versus what is reality.


Men who look at porn (the majority) can develop real-life expectations. The psychologically fit ones know that most women are not like porn stars, nor should they be expected to look, talk, or act like one. The bottom line, is that your average woman is not a porn star and thereforeeee, should not be held to the unrealistic standards of appearing like one. With that being said, many porn stars have tucked away labias. What psychologically unfit men don't realize, is that porn stars don't represent most women. In fact, they only represent far less than 1% of all women on earth.


You're going to get a million different opinions regarding your question. Some men like vanilla, some chocolate, some strawberry, mint, and some cholocate-mint. The point being - there is no universal preference. Some might like a large labia, some a medium, and some probably like them long. I think the majority of men who have their ideals of what a vagina should look like (from watching porn, of course) desire one that is more tucked away. It may or may not appear "cleaner" to them. But, as I previously said it's all a matter of individual preference. If I was personally forced to make a preference, I prefer a smaller tucked away one and of course this is because of the influence of mainstream media on my mind.

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Thanks for your honest response - I thought this was the case and all i wanted was to hear it from a male. So in saying that thou - it wouldn't bother you if your girlfriend didnt have what you preferred?


Not at all. All of her parts make up a whole. No single part can destroy her as a whole, unless she loses her mind of course. (insert laugh here).

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Wow.. & suppose my genital area looks a bit different from some porn star's???

what am i supposed to do?.. go have that altered like women do their breasts now?

Gosh.. ask me if i care if my genital area looks like some other woman's...!


is this an April Fool's joke?

You know what.. people are all different... no one has a "standard" this or that.. that is what makes people so unique...

can we just stop for once trying to look like someone else?

this is ridiculous..


Actually, modification of the female genitalia is increasing in popularity these days. *Sigh*...the levels of insanity you men drive us to.

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Don't blame men. I don't think 'men' are driving women to have their labia altered but the media including the porn industry.


Personally i have no pref but if pressed would say I prefer ones that aren't tucked away as they give you something to suck on and lick!!! LOL


I can also honestly say that I have NEVER had a conversation with any of my guy friends ever about this kind of preference.


Maybe I'm weird??? Usually when guys compare gals its looks, breasts, asses and personalities (believe it or not)

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this reminds me, a post up above said that women are being driven to have reconstructive surgery on their labia because of porn...


who else here thinks porn has totally warped society's view on sex lmao.


if women think they need small pink labia to be attractive...and guys think we all need 10 inch penises to actually please women, is this causing huge problems within the community defined as "average" i.e. the 6 inch man and the woman with larger, maybe darker colored labia?

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Don't blame men. I don't think 'men' are driving women to have their labia altered but the media including the porn industry.


Personally i have no pref but if pressed would say I prefer ones that aren't tucked away as they give you something to suck on and lick!!! LOL


I can also honestly say that I have NEVER had a conversation with any of my guy friends ever about this kind of preference.


Maybe I'm weird??? Usually when guys compare gals its looks, breasts, asses and personalities (believe it or not)


Did you see the little wink I put at the end of my statement?

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In the USA it seems that most men and women lean to wards believing that big breasts are very attractive and sexy.


this is understandable as guys grew up peeking at dads Playboy magazines, and women were brought up playing with Barbie's, this later translated into TV and movies.


I have noticed that in Europe and Latin America, its a bit different, most European erotic art depicts women with smaller breasts (which is my preference) In Latin America the "J Lo" behind is tops, they like big bottoms.


So it depends greatly on outside influences as we were growing up.

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