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Please Help =) I'm in need....


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So, if you've read my other posts, I'm in this crazy situation with my ex. I have not been showing my feelings to him, have remained fun, calm and confident. However, on Sunday...I became unglued.


I was at his house (my friend is his roomate) and he came home with a trashy girl he took to his Uncle's wedding. They were sitting close together on the couch and I lost it.


I took him aside and explained to him that, we just entered each others lives again two weeks ago and we were not at a point in our relationship where I could handle being friends and watching this. I was very calm, quiet and decisive. I told him, I really don't care who he dates, but I wasn't in a position where I was comfortable in that situation yet.


So, now I'm worried. I am worried he will think I'm psycho and needy, when I was just trying to express that I wasn't willing to subject myself to that kind of emotional craziness.


We were supposed to go out together tonight, as friends, and I am remaining positive and thinking maybe he will call me...but who knows. I feel stupid that I let myself become unglued in front of him like that and wish I could take it back. Even when we broke up, I didn't call or make contact in any way. I WAS NOT the "I miss you so much come back to me" ex.

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Don't force a friendship that's not ready yet. By doing this, you're inflicting emotional pain upon yourself, which is completely not necessary. While it's ideal to remain friends with your ex, nobody said you can't do it later if at all. So, don't put yourself through something you're not really ready for. Good luck.

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I don't think you did anything wrong here. You have told me that you still have some feelings for him, so now the ball is in his court. He knows that you may still have some feelings for him ,so see where he goes from here. I wouldn't show anymore emotion from this point on though, until you get something from him first. Life is too short, he may feel the same about you and if you hadn't told him, you may have ended up regretting in the end. This way you can't say, I wish I had done this later...no matter how things work out.

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