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Hi there,


My ex and I broke up 3 weeks ago. We had no contact, after the week of the break up. She invited me and my friends out to the club. She was all over me, like we were bf/gf. Few days later, she tells me that she wants to take things slow as bf/gf. It seems that I always make the first contact, when i call she doesnt pick up. When i text, sometimes she responds and iming goes the same too. So, i decided to do the no contact thing. Every Friday and Saturday, she would invite me and my friends out to hang. She would say that if she doesnt hang out with us, she misses us and feels uncomplete. Well its been 3 days with out contact, she hasnt contacted me at all. I havent been going online at all and refuse to, cause shes always on. It hurts when shes on, and doesnt im me. This weekend, i know she would want to hang out with me and her friends. I dont think i should hang out with her and decline her offer. Plus, my friends told me if she asks them, they wouldnt hang out with them, because i wouldnt be there. So i dont know if im doing the right thing. thanks for stopping by

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You have to take things slow, then. This includes that you instantly don't pop back into the calling, talking every day routine.


I'm doing this with my ex right now. It's hard, because we used to talk on the phone close to ten times a day. Now we talk once a day. I have to not be selfish and move with his flow. This shows him that I'm not just wanting to jump back into things, rather showing him that I want to truly work things out. No pressure.

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