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do you think that this is over?for good?


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I was with Pete for five years. we met in college and before we started going out he had only ever dated his high school girlfrined, who he saw for about 4 years. He was 20 at the time, I was 24. now I'm 28 and he's 25.

we broke up because he wants to see what it's like to be single and see other people. I'm still in school, he graduated. we live about 2 hours apart, which is another reason it's been hard.

I told him we shouldn't talk if we are broken up but he calls me, he says he's upset and lonely. I try not to call him but sometimes I can't help it. we haven't seen each other since I went to get my stuff from his place a couple weeks ago. we've been broken up a month now. we said that this was just going to be a break but sometimes I'm not sure what he's really thinking.

we both know that he has to do this in order to get past it. he thinks I had this wild and crazy early 20's or something, and I guess I sort of did.

I love him so much and he says he loves me whenever we talk on the phone. The pain is so bad though. I just want to get back together.

should I stop talking to him completely? should I try to move on and forget him?

I know I sound pathetic. I don't know what else to do anymore

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if he truly loved you (especially when he says that he loves you) he would be with you, and not want to date other people. I am kind of in the same situation the distance and school, my ex wants to be single. I am doing NC and it is helping a great deal, for me anyways. My ex is depressed, and lonely because I wont talk to her, but if she really LOVED me she would want to be with ME, nobody else.


I am doing NC to heal me and hopefully so my Ex realizes how much life sucks with out me and that she really does want to be with me.


Start NC you will begin to feel in control and better about yourself.

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Welcome fellow Philadelphian!


Okay, I've dated enough men between the ages of 24-30 and I've come to the conclusion that once they hit the age of 25 they go through, what I call, a young man's mid-life crisis. You know how many times I heard "I just want to see what it's like....."

My ex, right before we broke up, he was turning 26, just started school and moved to NYC with his best friend (which was suppose to be me)

He told me he wanted space and to live his life and have no one to answer to. I gave him that. Guess who came running back telling me how miserable he is without me?

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