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update......Now what does he mean?

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Well...did the whole less talking thing just like you guys said. And just like i've been wanting to do all along....to get him to miss me. So one night he came to my house....I wasn't here I was working. I got home....went to bed...He came over again asked if he could come in to talk to me. So I said yea you can come in...so he said...I just wanted to let you know that I'm really proud of the way you have been acting I'm sure it must be hard. So I asked...well is it doing me any good??? His reply I Don't know! So of course I get upset....and leave I decide to go for a jog in the park. He calls...where are you??? I hate when you leave like that...yada yada yada please tell me where you are...so I tell him....he walks over and comes and find me and says Nik...when I'm not with you I want to be...when I'm with you I dont. I want so badly for things to go back to the way they were but you are right. When you said that I wouldn't let it happen your right...I dont want to be in a serious relationship right now...I'm just busy and don't feel like being tied down...then he said I've been thinking about going back to dating but I dont know. Then he added on....I dont know what I would do if I ever lost you...it scares me to death to think that I may lose you. So he asked if I would come over so we could talk....being stupid I went......We didnt' talk he just cuddled with me...something he never does anymore....the next night he came over he asked if I would be his dd that night and take him home when he was done..so for the first time in his life he was being responsible about it I said yes....so we were getting ready for bed and he walks up to me and just hugs me...no reason just did it...............WHAT IS HE DOING??? Does he want me does he not? Is he just as confused as I am??? Sorry this was so long....please give me some input thanks a ton!

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I think he is confused, but I think he is going from when he was with you all the time and did not want you, and now you are acting independent and he finds you more attractive. Keep doing what you were doing, and maybe he will keep coming toward you. Were you being clingy and needy before you broke up?

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I agree hes confused, doest know what he wants. I would def. go for the NC thing. I think it works and it worked for me on my past relationships. Youll def. see if he really misses you. U can not set a time limit on it. It just happens naturally and go with the flow. No ims, no texts, no letters no communication or contact in that fact. ok. its hard but u have to do it , to find out if he will come back. im sure he will.

keep urself occupied

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