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she made the first contact

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I followed the NC thing. It worked, i havent spoke to my ex for 2 days she imed me, saying hi. Her and i agreed that we should take things slow. It hurts that we arent officially together, but i guess its the first step. Im making her to make the first move. She told my buddy of mine, that she doesnt want to be smothered. Thats a tip for all you peeps out there. Dont smother the girl, or she will runaway.LOL. So i hope this, helps. thanks for stopping by.

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She said "hi", and you're back together? What did she say to make you feel like she won't just dump you again? If she's still not sure about you, she could do just that.


If you brought up the subject of you two getting back together, most likely she hasn't made up her mind about you. Be careful. She still has a lot to prove to you.

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Question...two days and no contact...did you two actually talk every single day before the NC began?


If I had to guess what was going thru her head I'd say:


Taking one day off isn't the end of the world, it can make you have more to talk about and miss the other person a bit and vice-versa.

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