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when going to seconf base,How to do action to the chest?

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It's all about how you make her feel (in her head). In other words, make sure she's comfortable with you before you go feeling around. Once you've established this, I think the rest should come natural. Find out what SHE likes, and then give her some of what she likes. Don't do it all the time though, otherwise she won't value it. Good luck.

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Ok so its a symple question: How do you girls like for a man to touch your boobies or what do you like to be done up there, And how.



ROFLMAO... "boobies"... GOOD GAME


Seriously though, nips need attention, but I've found that the underside of the breast is sensitive too as well as the cleavage area.

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one thing that works well in my experience, take your index finger and run delicate circular patterns around the breast spiraling in and getting closer to the nipple, then rubbing the nipple in a circular pattern. Sometimes my gf likes a firm massage of it, but what REALLY drives her wild is the sucking on the nipples, and even light tibbling on the most sensitive part.


Its kinda weird like that though with carressing, a little contact goes a long way, very light gentle touches are often the ones that send the litte shock and warm sensation down their spine

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At the stage you are at in your relationship, you really don't need to be worrying about anything of this nature. I've read your posts. Right now you need to be focusing on just being comfortable together. Have a good time together, don't be nervous or shy. Laugh and have fun. Hold her hand, hug her, smile at each other. Kiss her. Anything more sexual will happen in time when it is right. And then you'll be fine as long as your not making yourself nervous.


General tip: Something soft, gentle, romantic is always better. At least thats what I gather from what women say.

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It feels really good when the guy sort of plays with your nipples, making them hard, and then sucks on them.. using lots of tongue.. ahahaha

Like someone said before, light and gentle touches.. and dont forget the rest of her body either Having someone just hold my waist feels just as good!! But then again i'm extremely tickilish and sensitive, so.. yeah

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