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I still love my wife, bue she's met someone else


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It's not an easy story to tell but i'll try to make it short.


My wife and I have been married almost 9 years, but 16 months ago she told me that she wasn't happy with the way that the marriage was going. Things didn't improve and we decided to take some time apart 4 months ago(at this time I really believed that my marriage was over). During this time I had relations with an old friend from University, and she's now pregnant.

This week, my wife found out about this she didn't seem angry or hurt, but her response was to announce that she's been seeing someone else for some time (maybe before we separated - she didn't want to say for how long). I then realised that after all that's happened, I still love my wife with all my heart, and I wouldn't wish to hurt her, but the fact that I'm going to be a father with someone else (4000 miles away), makes me feel like I've lost her forever, and it makes me realise how unhappy I will be without her (even with the bliss of a child). Can someone give me some advise, as I feel so bad with myself that I don't think I can cope.

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Well I suggest you talk to your wife about the situation and see if there is any hope of reconciling. The worst thing she could say is no. If the answer is yes, or maybe, or I don't know then I think you two should pursue some counseling. This may help you identify what went wrong in the marriage and see if there is any hope of salvaging it.


This will not be an easy road. It will take a lot of hard work from both of you. But it's worth seeing if you have anything left.


Regarding the other woman, well thats something you will also need to handle. Keep an open line of communications. I'm assuming you aren't serious about her? You two will need to work together because you've got a child to raise! Be happy about the baby and be supportive of this woman. Regardless of how your marriage turns out, you have obligations to live up to.


I think you might want to look into some counseling for yourself just to help you deal with all of this. This is a lot to be going through and you are starting to concern me with how bad you feel.

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Well, it sounds like you are not too serious about the future mother of your child. Correct me if I am wrong.... but since your wife has met someone else, you should let her go, she is in a new phase of a relationship, and in experience new relationships are much more pleasurable than trying to fix a bad relationship, even though it started out good. Hey you made it past seven years, I only made 5. Well, I have been divorced for 2 years, and guess what new gf and child on the way. I still think about the ex. Its hard, but u need to concentrate on your new situation. Are you ready to be a father, do you even want her to have the child. you have alot to think about. I f you want to talk you can pm me.

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